The silent reflux diet is an alternative treatment that can help relieve reflux symptoms by limiting or eliminating foods known to inflame or weaken your esophageal muscles.

Unlike acid reflux or GERD, silent reflux causes few or no symptoms until it has progressed to later stages.

Symptoms of silent reflux, also called laryngopharyngeal reflux disease, include:

This article takes a closer look at the silent reflux diet and how it may help relieve symptoms of acid reflux.

The muscles in your lower esophagus, also known as the esophageal sphincter, act as a one-way valve between your esophagus and stomach. They allow food to travel from your esophagus to your stomach, and they prevent stomach acid and food from traveling back up from your stomach to your esophagus.

When it’s relaxed, the esophageal sphincter can’t close properly. This can cause a backward flow of food and acid from your stomach, which leads to reflux symptoms.

The silent reflux diet eliminates foods that can relax muscles in your lower esophagus and worsen reflux symptoms.

Paired with medication, it can help prevent reflux symptoms and identify the trigger foods that might worsen your condition.

If you decide to try the silent reflux diet, doctors recommend eliminating high fat foods, sugary foods, and acidic fruits and beverages from your diet.

Foods to avoid include:

It’s also important to avoid chocolate, mints, and spicy foods because they’re known to weaken the esophageal sphincter.

However, it’s worth noting that common trigger foods can affect people differently. Pay close attention to what foods cause you more discomfort or worsen your upper endoscopy results.

The silent reflux diet is similar to other balanced diets that are high in fiber, lean proteins, and vegetables, like the Mediterranean diet.

According to a 2019 research review, the best foods for silent reflux include:

Is yogurt good for silent reflux?

Fat-free yogurt is generally fine for people with silent reflux. You can stir in chopped apples or bananas for extra flavor.

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In addition to modifying your diet, starting a food diary can be useful for tracking your symptoms and identifying trigger foods.

You can also try implementing some lifestyle changes to maintain optimal health and relieve discomfort after eating. These include:

The silent reflux diet is a food-based approach for reducing reflux symptoms.

Though effective, these dietary changes may not treat the underlying cause of silent reflux. It’s best to follow traditional treatment methods advised by your doctor in combination with this diet.

Before adding the silent reflux diet to your treatment plan, discuss your options and risks with a doctor.