Nearly 6 million Americans have at least one parent who’s a part of the LGBTQIA community. And the community is stronger than ever before.

Still, raising awareness and increasing representation continues to be a necessity. And for many, the experience of raising families is no different from any other parent — a fact they want to help others realize.

LGBTQIA parenting blogs help to normalize their experiences. They also help to unite, connect, and give voices to others who might be searching for families who look like theirs.

These are the LGBTQIA parenting blogs that most warmed our hearts this year.

Mombian: Sustenance for Lesbian Moms

Founded in 2005, this blog is a space for lesbian moms looking to connect, share their personal stories, and get the latest information on political activism in the name of LGBTQIA families. Covering parenting, politics, and more, you can find posts by multiple contributors here, and a little of everything you might be looking for in the lesbian parenting world.

2 Travel Dads

Chris and Rob of 2TravelDads are all about helping their sons see the world. They’ve been together for over 10 years, married since 2013, and their passion for travel didn’t end when they became dads. They just started to bring their kids with them!

Meet the Wildes (Our Modern Love Story)

Amber and Kirsty are best friends and soul mates. They first fell in love when they were 15 years old. Today, they’re in their early 30s, currently mothering five little ones. That’s two sets of twins, born in 2014 and 2016, and the baby of the family born in 2018.

Gay NYC Dad

Mitch has been with his partner (now husband) for over 28 years. Together, they adopted a son at birth that’s heading into 12th grade today. On the blog, he shares product reviews, travel tips, parenting stories, information on adoption, and contests his readers love. He also shares his passion for all things entertainment on his blog and his awesome social media channels!

Gay Parenting Voices

No one ever said becoming a parent would be easy. But for LGBTQIA couples, the path can be even more difficult to maneuver. With countless options to consider (adoption, foster care adoption, surrogacy, and donors), finding information that can help lead you down the path that’s right for you can be crucial. And that’s exactly what Gay Parenting Voices aims to provide.


Kate is the main writer behind Lesbemums. She met her wife Sharon in 2006 and formed a civil partnership at a ceremony in 2012. After two years of trying, they found out they were expecting in 2015. Today their blog features reviews, updates on their life (and little one), and information about projects that are near and dear to their heart.

My Two Mums

Clara and Kirsty are the proud moms of one adorable little guy they sweetly call “Monkey.” Their blog covers everything from family updates to crafting and current events. They take their little guy geocaching, aim to share the latest in LGBTQIA news, and have even recently been blogging about marathon training.

Family Is About Love

These two Toronto dads welcomed their son, Milo, via a gestational surrogate. Today, they like to marvel at how much their lives have changed from their days dancing in clubs to now dancing in the living room with their little boy. They’re both high school teachers involved in community theater and released a book in 2016 about their little family.

The Family Equality Blog

The Family Equality Council connects, supports, and represents the 3 million U.S. LGBTQIA families through their blog, various social media channels, and advocacy work. The blog features news about issues affecting LGBTQIA families, personal stories, and resources for those looking for support.

Daddy & Dad

Daddy and Dad shares the adventures of Jamie and Tom — two dads who adopted two little boys who had a rough start in life. Their blog highlights their adventures as they grow as a family while also featuring others in their “Amazing LGBTQ Families” section. While this blog is a great asset to any parent, adoptive parents may especially benefit from the dads’ tips and advice.

Unlikely Dad

Adoptive dad… gay dad… and at the end of the day, just “Dad.” That’s the story of Tom or the “Unlikely Dad.” His blog is an open portrayal of life as an adoptive dad. Part parenting, part lifestyle blog, Tom helps families navigate learning to become parents — even if they never saw themselves as parents until later in life.

2 Dads With Baggage

2 Dads With Baggage shares the life and travels of the Bailey-Klugh family of four, highlighting one of life’s greatest adventures: parenting two teenage girls. In addition to parenting stories and tips, you can find lots of lifestyle tips on travel, as well as food and recipes. Especially fun is their “Good Living” section that features everything from great books to read, to tips for connecting with teens.

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