Healthline presents “Through an Artist’s Eye: Nina’s Metastatic Breast Cancer Story,” a multi-episode series profiling a woman who is living with metastatic breast cancer.
Nina shares her story with choreographer Fadi Khoury and musician Sondra Woodruff, and together, these artists bring Nina’s story to life through art.
Episode 1:
Nina lives with metastatic breast cancer. In Part 1 of Through an Artist’s Eye, she meets a musician and a choreographer who will bring her story to life with their art.
Episode 2:
After meeting Nina and hearing her experiences with metastatic breast cancer, we follow two artists through the creative songwriting and choreographing process to bring Nina’s story to life.
Episode 3:
Nina finally gets to see the music and dance created just for her by professional artists who were inspired by her metastatic breast cancer story.
Original song written and recorded by: Sondra E. Woodruff II and INEZ
Original Choreography by: Fadi Khoury
Dance performed by: Elisa Toro Franky
Video created by: Healthline Video Team