
  • Botulinum toxin (Botox) is the most common minimally invasive cosmetic procedure performed in the United States.
  • Botox can be used to minimize the appearance of wrinkles in your chin.


  • Botox is considered low risk and is safe for most people. Some side effects are common, including burning, numbness, and headache in the day following the injections.
  • More serious side effects are rare and can include difficulty speaking and breathing.


  • For the most part, Botox injections are extremely convenient. Recovery is minimal and downtime isn’t necessary as you recover.
  • Finding an experienced, qualified provider for your Botox procedure may be the most time-consuming part of your Botox treatment.


  • Botox treatment costs vary depending on how much Botox you need for your procedure.
  • The average cost of Botox treatment is $397 per session.


  • Small clinical trials and reviews of the medical literature show that Botox is effective for the temporary treatment of deep wrinkles.
  • We need more clinical trials to get a full picture of how this treatment works, especially for wrinkles on your chin.

Dimpling and wrinkling in your chin can be part of the natural aging process of our face. While there’s no medical cause for concern if you have a dimply orange peel texture on your chin, you might feel self-conscious or like it makes you look older than you are.

Botox, a toxin that temporarily limits the movement of muscles underneath the layers of your skin, can be used to smooth out the appearance of wrinkles on the lower part of your jaw.

Botox is delivered by injection to the area that you want to stabilize.

You may be a good candidate for Botox if you’re in good general health as well as realistic expectations for results. Managing expectations is key to being happy with the outcome of any cosmetic procedure, including Botox.

Currently, Botox use in the chin and lower face is considered off-label, meaning it hasn’t been studied or officially approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

While there are clinical applications for Botox, such as using it for migraine treatment, Botox for your chin is considered an elective cosmetic procedure. This means that it won’t be covered by your insurance, and any associated costs will be completely out of pocket.

Botox treatment costs are partly determined by how much product you use. This rate is usually set by how much a vial of Botox costs at the time of your appointment. As of 2018, the average cost of a Botox procedure was $397, according to the American Society for Plastic Surgeon’s annual report.

Your cost may be lower or higher than that, depending on your local cost of living, the experience level of the provider you choose, and the amount of Botox product that your provider advises is right for your desired outcome.

Botox is a dermal injection that can be performed safely in your provider’s office. The appointment is short, doesn’t require any anesthesia, and typically doesn’t require any downtime for recovery.

You can drive yourself to and from your Botox appointment, and can even return to work immediately afterward.

Botox for your chin addresses rhytids — another work for wrinkles.

The wrinkles in your chin are typically known as dynamic rhytids. That means the wrinkles take different shapes based on movement from the muscles underneath your skin. These types of rhytids are caused by your muscles making the same movements over and over.

Your brain and muscles communicate when and how your face should move. This communication system works because of a compound called acetylcholine. Botox blocks the release of acetylcholine for a temporary period of time.

When Botox is injected into muscle tissue, those muscles are locked in place once the toxin takes effect. The result is temporary and doesn’t damage your muscles in any way, as long as you use an experienced and licensed Botox provider.

The procedure for Botox for your chin is relatively short and simple. Before your treatment begins, you’ll discuss your ideal result and disclose any medications or medical history to your provider.

When you arrive for your appointment, your provider will clean your face and sterilize the area where your injection is going to be applied.

Next, a topical anesthetic may be applied to make the procedure more comfortable.

Botox will then be injected directly into your chin muscles. You may feel some discomfort during this injection, but it should only last for a couple of seconds.

After the injections are complete, your appointment will be over.

Botox on your chin can be used to target several different types of chin wrinkles, as well as loose skin in the chin and jaw area.

This includes:

  • deep creases in your chin
  • double chin caused by loose skin or sagging muscles
  • dimples in your chin
  • wrinkles in your chin

If you know that your family is predisposed to deep wrinkles in your chin area, you may also consider using Botox as a preventive treatment.

Botox is considered low risk and is safe for most people. In the days after Botox injections, there are some common side effects you may experience, including:

  • pain, bruises, or swelling at the site of your injection
  • headache
  • temporary nausea
  • muscle twitching
  • crooked smile

There’s a small risk of more severe side effects. If you have any of the following side effects, you should contact your provider right away and seek emergency medical attention:

  • vision blurring or double vision
  • muscle weakness or painful spasms
  • difficulty speaking
  • loss of bladder control
  • labored or constricted breathing

After Botox in your chin, you’re able to resume most of your normal activities right away. You may feel some burning, numbness, or discomfort as the toxin slowly starts to take effect.

Don’t expect to walk out of your first Botox appointment with the full result of your treatment on view. You may start to see results in a day or two, but it may take longer. At the end of 7 to 10 days, you’ll be able to see the full scope of your results.

No Botox treatment is permanent. The average length for the effect of Botox to last ranges between 3 to 6 months.

For your reference, here is an example of what Botox on your chin can look like. Keep in mind that the result of this treatment varies widely depending on your specific case.

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Before and after results of chin Botox procedure. Photo Credit: Dr. Joe Niamtu – Niamtu Cosmetic Facial Surgery

Your provider should give your detailed instructions on how to prepare for your Botox appointment, and you should follow these instructions carefully. They may advise you to:

  • Stop taking over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), such as ibuprofen, as well as supplements like fish oil and gingko biloba for a week prior to your injection appointment.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol for 48 hours prior to your appointment.
  • Inform your doctor of any health conditions or prescription medication that you are currently on.

For most people, Botox is an effective treatment for chin wrinkles and dimpling. To ensure your safety, you should be cautious about who you choose as your provider.

A good provider will be able to demonstrate that they’re licensed and certified in the treatment that you want, will answer questions about cost and side effects, and will have photos of before and after treatments they can show you.

You can start your search for a Botox provider by using the American Society of Plastic Surgeon’s search tool.