It’s not unusual for your libido to both increase and decrease during various stages of pregnancy due to hormone fluctuations and physical changes, among other factors.
During pregnancy, your body will experience a whirlwind of new feelings, sensations, and emotions. Your hormones are fluctuating and your blood flow is increased. Many women also notice that their breasts grow and their appetite increases.
It’s important to remember that every woman’s experience with pregnancy is different. But there are some common bodily trends. Your sex drive, mood, weight, eating habits, and sleep patterns are all likely to change. In your case, hopefully all will be for the better.
After early pregnancy nausea, vomiting, and fatigue, some women find that the second trimester is much easier on them. Your energy levels will restore themselves, your appetite may come back, and your libido is likely to be heightened.
Don’t be shocked by these changes. Pregnancy can throw your body into a crazy tailspin.
Here are five ways that pregnancy will affect your sex life.
In the first trimester of pregnancy, your estrogen and progesterone levels rise. Symptoms in early pregnancy that may lower your sexual desire include:
- hormonal changes
- exhaustion
- queasiness
- breast sensitivity
Around week 10, these increased hormone levels will drop off. At that point, you’re likely to experience less fatigue and nausea.
With the loss of those two less-than-fun first trimester symptoms may come an increase in your sex drive. You’ll start to get into a rhythm and feel more like your energetic self.
Later in the third trimester, weight gain, back pain, and other symptoms may again decrease your sexual drive.
Remember, every woman’s body handles pregnancy differently. Expect that your body will be going through unprecedented changes as it prepares for baby. Some women may experience a heightened sexual appetite, while others may be turned off by their body’s weight gain and fatigue. Still others will experience no change in their libido, as compared to before pregnancy.
With pregnancy comes an increase in blood flow, especially to the sexual organs, breasts, and vulva.
With that increased blood flow comes easier arousal and increased sensitivity. This is completely normal. It also often results in a more pleasurable sexual experience with your partner.
Don’t be surprised if you have some leakage from your nipples. Your body is changing rapidly, so don’t let these new changes alarm you. Instead, embrace them and your increased sexual appetite!
Many women experience an increased libido late in the first trimester and in the second. Along with this increased libido comes increased vaginal lubrication and a hypersensitive clitoris due to extra genital blood flow.
Take advantage of this time with your partner and share in the joy of how your body is changing. Sex during pregnancy is a great way to stay mentally, emotionally, and physically connected.
Pregnancy is a unique time in a woman’s life. You’re not fat, you’re not jiggly — you’re pregnant! This can be very freeing for many women. They ditch the self-conscious, obsessive body critiquing and just relax into their growing, curvy figure.
As there’s no need to stress about contraception, pregnancy intimacy can also come with a more relaxed — and more intimate — you.
It’s very helpful to focus on the positive and embrace the changes. This will make your sex life healthier, your stress levels lower, and ultimately your body healthier for your growing baby.
Weight gain anywhere between 25 and 35 pounds is normal during your 40-week pregnancy.
While some find their new, changing, growing figure to be uncomfortable, other women find that it gives them a whole new mindset and feeling about their body.
With fuller breasts, rounder hips, and a more voluptuous figure, it’s common for women to discover that they feel more intimate with their partner during this time that their body has taken on a new shape.