Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that develops in your skin. It can affect any part of your body, including your groin area. Even though it can infect your groin, it does not spread directly through sexual activity.
While cellulitis is a
Read on to learn more about the likelihood of developing cellulitis in your groin, its symptoms, and how you might treat it.
As such, you may be at a higher risk of developing cellulitis if you have certain conditions or injuries.
- cuts, ulcers, or punctures in the skin
- a recent tattoo or piercing
- eczema or other chronic skin conditions
- shingles or chickenpox
- issues with your lymphatic system, causing swollen lymph nodes
- being overweight or having obesity, which may increase your risk of infections
- a weakened immune system due to recent cancer treatments or autoimmune diseases
Researchers explain that cellulitis in the groin after cancer treatment may be due to reduced lymphatic circulation. Lymph is a fluid that moves through your body and helps you fight off infections.
They also raise concerns about possible recurring cellulitis following sex.
There are also cases of cellulitis affecting the penis, but this is very rare. A 2022 study reported a case where cellulitis developed after sexual activity. A
Cellulitis vs. abscess
Cellulitis and abscesses are both common infections that affect your skin.
Cellulitis causes swelling, pain, and color changes in the affected area.
A skin abscess appears as a pus-related lesion under your skin. It may develop as a symptom of cellulitis.
A doctor can help determine what type of skin infection you may have in your groin area and what treatment may be necessary.
Cellulitis may appear on any area of your skin,
- red, brown, or purple rash, depending on your natural skin tone
- warmth
- swelling
- pain
- tenderness
- pitting, similar to that of an orange
- blisters
You may also develop a fever and chills in response to the infection. Swollen, painful lymph nodes are also common with cellulitis.
Cellulitis is not a sexually transmitted infection (STI). But there have been reports of people developing cellulitis after sexual activity. In such cases, cellulitis may cause swollen lymph nodes around your genitals, painful genitals, and inflammation that may spread from the area.
While not common, cellulitis
- bloodstream
- bones
- heart and heart valves
- joints
When to see a doctor
See a doctor if you’re concerned about a possible skin infection in your groin area or if you’re experiencing possible symptoms of cellulitis.
If you’re currently taking antibiotics for cellulitis and symptoms don’t improve in 2 to 3 days, see a doctor. Seek emergency medical care if any redness in your groin area spreads rapidly or if you have a rash and start to develop a fever or chills.
Cellulitis in the groin area also differs from STIs. Common symptoms of an STI include:
- burning or itching around the genitals
- penile or vaginal discharge
- hip pain
- sores or bumps
- painful, burning urination
- having to urinate more often
Still, the only way to know for sure if you have cellulitis or another type of infection is to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
You can also help manage cellulitis in your groin area by washing any minor injuries, cuts, and blisters with soap and water. Cover these areas with bandages until they’ve completely healed. Avoid going in pools, hot tubs, or any natural bodies of water if you have an open wound.
Finally, while it’s unlikely that cellulitis may directly spread through sex, you may consider avoiding any sexual activity if you or a partner has any wounds in the groin area.
How long does it take to recover from cellulitis?
You may start to feel better within 1 to 2 days after starting treatment for cellulitis. Full recovery usually occurs in 7 to 10 days.
Take your full course of antibiotics as prescribed, even if you feel better. This will help prevent a repeat infection and prevent antibiotic resistance from developing.
Will cellulitis go away on its own?
No. Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that requires treatment,
It’s important to seek treatment, as the infection can spread without it. This can cause serious complications, such as sepsis and hospitalization.
Know that even if you’ve had cellulitis before, you
Is cellulitis contagious?
Unlike other types of bacterial infections, cellulitis is not usually contagious. This is because it affects deeper layers of your skin. This means that
But since cellulitis may develop in open wounds and other types of injuries, it’s important to protect these areas of your skin. This includes your groin area. You can help prevent cellulitis by washing any open wounds and protecting them with bandages as they heal.
Can you get cellulitis from having sex?
Cellulitis is a common bacterial skin infection that can develop anywhere you have an open wound. While it usually affects the lower limbs, it’s still possible to get cellulitis around your groin.
If you’re experiencing any unusual rash, swelling, or pain in the groin or any other area of your body, consider talking with a doctor right away. If they identify cellulitis, they can prescribe antibiotics to help clear the infection and prevent related complications.
Cellulitis isn’t usually contagious. Still, a few case studies have raised questions about possibly getting infected after having sex due to other factors. To help protect yourself and any partners, avoid sexual activity if you have any wounds or active infections in your groin area.