The superior gluteal nerve is the term used to describe the nerve near the upper pelvis that comes straight out of both the fourth and fifth lumbar nerves (the back sections), as well as the first sacral nerve.

The nerve is made up of the sacral plexus’ branches. The sacral plexus is responsible for muscle supply within the region. The nerve plexus also offers sensory and motor nerves for sections of the pelvis, the entirety of the foot, the back of the thigh, and the majority of the lower legs.

The superior nerve starts out in the pelvis and supplies the tensor fasciae latae, the gluteus minimus, and the gluteus medius muscles. The nerve departs from the pelvis via the greater sciatic foramen, which is an important gap in the pelvic bones. The foramen is situated directly over the piriformis muscle of the lower limbs. The superior gluteal nerve, along with the vessels, goes over the piriformis muscle to get to the foramen, while the inferior gluteal nerves travel just under it.