The navicular is a boat-shaped bone located in the top inner side of the foot, just above the transverse. It helps connect the talus, or anklebone, to the cuneiform bones of the foot.
The dorsalis pedis artery supplies blood to the navicular’s dorsal (upper) side, while the medial plantar artery supplies its plantar (closer to the sole of the foot) region. It is innervated by the medial plantar and deep fibular nerves.
This bone is likely to be fractured by athletes while kicking, sprinting, twisting, or falling. A fracture will cause pain, limping, and a change in gait. Treatment options for injury to the navicular include utilizing a non-weight bearing cast to hold the bones stable so they can mend. If surgery is recommended, screws will be placed into the bone to help secure it. The patient will wear a cast after the surgery. In many cases, pain associated with injuries to the bone will diminish, and later return when that part of the foot is manipulated. As a result, a doctor will manually check the navicular following treatment to see if the patient feels pain when the top of the foot is manipulated.