Each human has two nasal bones located in the upper-middle area of the face, between the maxillary (upper jaw) bones’ frontal processes. These sit midline to each other to form the bridge of the nose. Nasal bones are normally small and oblong, but can differ in size and shape in different people. The function of each nasal bone is to bind together the cartilage that forms individual nose contours and shapes.
Each nasal bone has four bones, which form joints: two cranium and two facial bones. The cranium bones are called the ethmoid and frontal. The facial bones are the maxilla and opposite nasal. Each nasal bone has four borders: the superior, inferior, lateral, and medial. Each nasal bone has two surfaces: the outer and the inner.
The outer surface of the nasal bone, which is covered by the compressor naris and the procerus muscles, is convex (it curves outward) from one side to the other and concavo-convex (curves in on one side and out on the other, like a contact lens) from the top to bottom. It has a hole at its center, through which a small vein passes.
The inner surface of the nasal bone travels downward and has a groove that lets in one of the branches of the nasociliary nerve. This surface is concave (curves inward) from one side to the other.