The human hand consists of five separate digits, commonly referred to as fingers. The middle finger is considered both a limb and a digit. It is located between the index finger and ring finger. It is the central digit of the hand and known anatomically as the digitus medius or tertius. In most people, the middle finger is the longest digit on both hands. The middle finger is functionally equivalent to other digits and capable of a wide range of motions. An individual may extend his or her middle finger, move it in circular motions, or bend it, among other actions. The middle finger is connected to the palm of the hand and attached to a bone in the palm known as the metacarpal bone. The middle finger is composed of three bones called phalanges and two muscle groups identified as extrinsic and intrinsic. The extrinsic muscles allow the finger to flex or extend. The middle finger is susceptible to a number of injuries including fractures, dislocations, and damage to tendons and ligaments. Treatments for middle finger injuries include ice packs to reduce swelling and splints to restrict its motion.