The gluteus minimus is one of the secondary muscles that can produce hip extension. This muscle is located deep and somewhat anterior to (in front of) the gluteus medius. It is a broad and triangular muscle.
The gluteus minimus and gluteus medius are separated by deep branches of the superior gluteal neurovascular bundle, a group of nerves and blood vessels.
The gluteus minimus emerges from the external surface of the ilium, part of the large pelvic bone, between the base and the front of the gluteal lines, bony ridges on the ilium that are used to mark the attachments of different gluteal muscles. It inserts into the greater trochanter of the femur, which is a bony prominence located at the top of the thigh bone, near the hip joint.
Along with the gluteus medius and tensor fasciae latae, the gluteus minimus serves as the primary internal rotator of the hip joint. The gluteus minimus helps with abduction (movement away from the midline of the body) and medial (inward) rotation of the thigh at the hip. Together with the gluteus medius, it acts to stabilize the hip and pelvis when the opposite leg is raised from the ground. Meanwhile, the tensor fasciae latae helps to internally rotate the hip joint.