Exercise, in general, may reduce the risk of certain cancers. Gentle exercise like yoga may help your physical and mental health if you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer.
According to the
Additionally, some studies say that physical activity could cause more positive outcomes for people with breast cancer after a diagnosis. However, it’s important to know that while activity like yoga can help your physical health, it’s not a replacement for treatment.
Read on to learn more about yoga for breast cancer.
Yoga is an effective, low impact exercise. Numerous
You likely can and should exercise at all stages of your cancer diagnosis, including before, during, and after:
- radiation therapies
- hormonal therapies
- targeted therapies
You should also exercise during and after chemotherapy and surgery.
It’s a good idea to discuss your planned physical activity with your doctor before you undertake a new routine, especially if you recently had surgery.
If you’re at risk of lymphedema, you want to be sure the poses you’re doing are safe for you. Talk with your doctor about whether they’d recommend compression garments and if it’s safe for you to begin practicing yoga.
According to
It’s also thought that exercise can lower your levels of certain hormones that are linked to developing cancer and the progression of cancer.
Despite this, yoga and physical activity are not a replacement for treatment. They may, however, improve your quality of life with cancer and help you cope with symptoms and treatment side effects.
This movement strengthens your lower back, decreases hip pain, and increases spine mobility. In general, it can be a good way to ease some flexibility back into your torso.
For all these poses, a yoga mat is a good thing to have, preferably on an uncovered floor. Avoid carpets or rugs, if possible.
- Begin on all fours, in a “tabletop” position, your feet flat (toes not tucked), shoulders directly over your wrists, hips over your knees.
- As you inhale, drop your belly, letting your back arch. As you’re doing this, bring awareness to your shoulders and be sure your shoulder blades are firmly on your back and not creeping up to your ears. This is cow pose.
- As you exhale, press into your hands and round your upper back, pulling your belly button into your spine. This is cat pose.
- Continue moving on your inhales and exhales, repeating several times.
A simple seated side bend can work and lengthen your abdominal muscles and improve spine flexibility. It also stretches the intercostal muscles (the muscles between your ribs). Lengthening those muscles helps with posture, neck and shoulder tension, and increases full range of motion in your ribs.
- Sit cross-legged in the center of the mat.
- Place your left palm flat on the ground 6 inches or so from your body, in line with your left hip. Your right
hand should be lifted to the sky alongside your head. - As you inhale deeply, focus on your lungs filling with air and your spine lengthening.
- As you exhale, gently stretch your spine to the left, using your left hand for support as you do and arcing over with your right hand and arm. If your spine is flexible in this lateral bend, you can walk your left hand out farther, perhaps until your entire forearm is flat on the ground, supporting your stretch.
- Keep your chest open as you take at least three deep, even breaths, rolling your right shoulder up and back if it starts to crunch forward a little.
- Gently return to sitting and switch sides. Do this stretch at least three times on each side.
This pose is a heart opener, meaning it opens your chest, ribs, lungs, and upper back. It also stimulates lymphatic drainage in the breasts and pecs and can reduce scar tissue.
If you have a small, narrow cushion (such as a couch lumbar cushion or a bolster), you can use it here. Two thin blankets are also good for this pose, one folded for you to sit on and the other folded to support your upper back.
Prepare your props by folding and sitting on the blanket. The long cushion (or rolled blanket) should be perpendicular to the blanket you will sit on to support your spine. The last folded blanket (or small cushion) should be at the top of that so it will support your upper back.
- Sit up straight with your sit bones on the blanket and your legs out in front of you. Keep your legs together, big toe joints touching, and heels slightly apart, if that is comfortable. If it’s not, you can widen this stance. Be sure you don’t let your feet flop out to the sides. Your legs should be active in this pose, not loose and rolling
outward. - Gently and slowly, lie back so the blanket or long cushion is supporting your spine (you can use your
hands to support you as you lower yourself). - As you lie down on all the props, rest your head back onto the mat and let your hands rest on the ground next to you, palms up. Your hands can be as high or as low as you want in relation to your shoulders, but you want to start with them low and slowly pull them up higher to see what feels best for you.
- Stay aware of the pose as you lie here. Try to keep your legs engaged by keeping the feet together, if possible, and breathe deeply. Feel free to move the props until it feels comfortable for you.
- You can hold this pose for up to 10 minutes. When you come out of it, exhale deeply, point your toes,
and lift your chest if possible. If you’re new to the pose and need to build strength, place your hands on either side of you to support you in rising out of the pose.
Though it may seem simple, deep belly breathing helps you use the diaphragm more effectively. By strengthening the diaphragm, you’ll decrease oxygen demand and make it easier for your lungs to work. This may be beneficial to practice during and after breast cancer treatments.
Deep breathing also helps calm us. The increased oxygen to our brains stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which signals our bodies to relax.
- Lie on your back. You can support your head with a small pillow and your knees with a small cushion.
- Place your hands on your belly and take a slow, deep breath as you feel your belly expand. This part is
important, as we may breathe shallowly when dealing with pain or issues in our torso in general. The idea here is to exercise the diaphragm and fully inflate our lungs. - As you’re inhaling, count how long you can deeply breathe.
- Hold as long as feels comfortable and still allows you to gently and evenly exhale, taking as long to exhale as you did to inhale.
Yoga has been shown to have positive effects on breast cancer outcomes. While it’s not a replacement for treatment, it can help you manage stress and physical side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.
It’s also a practice that can and should be personalized. Always check with your doctor to discuss your body’s specific needs.