Yin tang acupuncture involves a pressure point between your eyebrows. This is just one of many pressure or trigger points throughout your body, identified variously as the Hall of Impression, Extra-1, and EX-HN3.
Keep in mind that there’s no definitive research on acupuncture treatments. Rather, it’s a type of traditional Chinese medicine that has been supported by evidence-based research.
Read on to learn how yin tang acupuncture works, what it’s meant to treat, and what research has to say about this type of acupuncture.
In general, acupuncture is a type of medicine based on traditional Chinese methods. It involves inserting small needles into certain pressure or trigger points around your body.
These points fall on certain lines of your body, often where nerves meet or muscles function. It’s thought that using needles on these specific points stimulates the body and restores the balance of opposing forces.
Methods like acupuncture are considered complementary or alternative therapy in the Western world. Modern medicine relies on anatomy and pharmacology but may use acupuncture as a supplementary treatment.
Receiving acupuncture along with forms of Western medicine is called complementary medicine. Acupuncture is considered alternative medicine, on the other hand, if you don’t seek other conventional treatments along with it.
Hindu culture considers this pressure point to be in the location of your third eye, which is thought to stabilize your mental outlook. Some research, like a 2016 case study, has also linked this pressure point to managing cardiovascular symptoms.
Directing acupuncture at the yin tang pressure point may relieve symptoms from:
General acupuncture may also help treat other health conditions like:
Several studies suggest benefits associated with yin tang acupuncture.
For example, in a
This study recommended that researchers continue to examine the effectiveness of the treatment because it’s simple and inexpensive to perform.
The aforementioned small 2016 study examined the positive effects of yin tang acupuncture on the cardiovascular system. These effects appear to occur when a subject receives acupuncture at the yin tang and acupressure at the pressure point below the lip.
The 45-year-old woman in this study had an irregular heartbeat and had fainted. The study found that the treatment:
- stimulated the body’s cardiovascular responses
- positively influenced the body’s balance in its biological systems
- helped return the body to normal functioning
Keep in mind that these studies don’t prove that yin tang acupuncture or acupressure is always effective. Further studies can help the medical community understand the benefits of yin tang acupuncture.
There are many other studies on the use of acupuncture on health conditions. According to the
- headaches
- cancer treatments
- pain management in the back, neck, and joints
Before you do yin tang acupuncture, you’ll need to find a licensed acupuncturist so you can discuss your symptoms and desired outcomes.
Visit the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine website to learn more about how the acupuncture licensing process works and to find a practitioner who can help you determine what treatments may work best for you.
Make sure your acupuncturist uses clean, sterile needles and has the required certifications and licensing to ensure your safety. To ensure that your practitioner is licensed and certified, check your state board of health.
Your first session may last an hour or longer to determine your needs. Later appointments may be shorter, once you’ve established your treatment goals.
Here’s how yin tang acupuncture is usually done:
- The acupuncturist will insert a thin needle at the yin tang point.
- You’ll likely have the needle in your yin tang point for 10 to 20 minutes.
- The acupuncturist may manipulate the needle with small movements or heat during this time. Any manipulations to the needle will be subtle. You may not feel anything during this procedure because the needle is so small.
Related techniques
Your acupuncturist may also recommend acupuncture in other areas depending on your desired outcomes. For example, there are several other pressure points on your face that are thought to help to clear your sinuses, help you relax, and more.
You may also discuss other treatment methods along with your acupuncture, such as acupressure or herbs.
Acupressure is the application of physical touch to pressure or trigger points without the use of needles. You can lightly rub the yin tang with your thumb or finger for several minutes to try relieving stress on your own.
Traditional Chinese medicine also sometimes involves herbs. Use caution with these treatments because they’re not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other regulatory agency.
Herbal treatments can also worsen or trigger other health conditions as well as interfere or interact with medications you take. Talk with your doctor before you try any herbs along with your acupuncture treatment.
Some experts believe that acupuncture has a placebo effect on those who receive it.
This means that the procedure’s effect is not easily measured and may be linked to your expectations that the procedure will work. The placebo effect can be seen in drug studies as well.
Regardless, experiencing fewer symptoms can result.
It’s not clear whether there is a placebo effect for yin tang acupuncture. More research is recommended to examine the effectiveness of yin tang acupuncture overall.
Acupuncture is a procedure that carries a small amount of risk.
For example, you may be at risk for infections or injury if the person administering the acupuncture does not comply with best practices.
Talk with your doctor before seeking acupuncture if you have any other health conditions like bleeding disorders or if you’re pregnant. Your doctor can confirm whether you’re a good candidate for acupuncture.
You may want to try yin tang acupuncture if you’re experiencing stress or anxiety.
Your doctor may also recommend yin tang acupuncture for conditions like fainting or an irregular heartbeat.
Acupuncture at the yin tang point and other parts of your body may also help treat other conditions.