There are a few techniques you can try to stop your period faster. Some are safe to do monthly, but others require moderation or a doctor’s approval.
It’s bound to happen occasionally: A vacation, day at the beach, or special occasion will coincide with your period.
Rather than let this throw off your plans, it may be possible to end the menstruation process faster and reduce the number of days in your cycle. But If you regularly experience long or abnormal periods, discuss long-term solutions with your doctor.
How long is a typical period?
The length of menstruation varies from person to person and is affected by many things, including stress, body mass index, and hormones.
An average period can last from 2 to 7 days, although some people have longer periods. You may also experience a natural shortening of your cycle as you age. If you’re on oral contraceptive agents (the pill) your period may often shorten and lighten.
Hormonal brith controls can be used to regulate your cycle. They can also shorten the number of days you menstruate each month. If you’re just starting hormonal birth control, it may take several cycles before your periods become shorter.
Examples of hormonal birth control include:
Some kinds of hormonal contraception can also reduce the number of menstrual cycles you have each year. For example, if you receive the Depo-Provera shot, you may stop having periods after the first year of injections. Many people also experience changes to their menstrual cycle after having an IUD implanted.
These types of birth control are all available by prescription only. You and a doctor can determine which type is best for you, based on your lifestyle and medical needs.
Certain herbal remedies may also help alleviate long and painful menstruation. More research is needed, but it’s worth talking to your doctor.
Some of the most promising herbs for menstruation include:
- ginger, which
may help alleviate heavy bleeding myrtle fruit syrup to reduce heavy menstruationfennel , which has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce pain associated with menstruation
Certain micronutrients, such as B vitamins, are essential to your overall health. Some may even ease up your periods while alleviating PMS symptoms.
Vitamin B6 is one of the nutrients that may affect your periods. It’s found naturally in foods such as eggs, fish, and poultry. Regular supplementation with vitamin B6 may reduce the thickness of the endometrial lining. This, in turn, may lead to lighter bleeding and, potentially a shorter period. More research is needed, however.
Talk to your doctor before taking any supplements to treat your periods.
People with obesity
If you’ve experienced heavy periods, you may want to speak with your doctor about possible hormone testing. They can also help give you some tips to lose weight safely and gradually if weight loss is recommended.
While this may not offer a short-term solution for ending your period faster now, taking steps to manage your weight may pay off for future menstrual cycles.
Can you make your period end sooner?
While there are some methods that may help reduce the length of your period, in many cases it’s not a quick fix. You may be able to reduce the length in some cases through the use of hormonal birth control, or natural remedies, like herbs and vitamins. Some hormonal contraceptives can also prevent a period altogether. Examples include Mirena (levonorgestrel) and Nexplanon (etonogestrel).
Can drinking water shorten your period?
Why won’t my period stop?
There are many reasons for a period that doesn’t end, and they are usually related to a problem with your hormones. This can be caused by medical conditions or medications you’re taking. A miscarriage can also look like a period with heavy bleeding that doesn’t seem to end. If you experience any kind of unusual or excessive bleeding, see a doctor for an evaluation.
Learn more about the causes of a period that won’t stop.
If your periods typically last for more than a week, are very heavy, or cause painful cramps, you should talk with a doctor. These may be symptoms of an underlying medical condition.
You and a doctor can work together to determine what’s causing these symptoms and how to best move forward.