Medical astrology, called iatromathematics, isn’t likely to get the American Medical Association seal of approval. But according to a 2013 Harris poll, 29 percent of Americans believe in astrology. And many look to the stars and lunar patterns for guidance on love, work, and health.

At the very least, it can be downright entertaining to learn about possible associations between your health and the constellations. Let’s see what areas of the body are associated with your astrological sign. Then decide for yourself if the stars got it right.

Association: head, brain, face

Go-get-‘em Ariens thrive on challenge and excitement, but self-imposed physical and mental stress can lead to headaches, migraines, and strokes. Although prone to stress, Ariens still need a fair amount of stimulation, lest they fall prey to depression. Are you a bald Arien? Don’t blame it on genes. Blame it on the stars.

Association: neck, ears, throat

Taurus, the bull, can be brought down by colds, sore throats, and earaches. Because of the sign’s emphasis on the throat, many Taureans are fine singers and musicians.

If you are a Taurean and find you are becoming sluggish and gaining weight for no obvious reason, you could have an underactive thyroid.

Association: lungs, shoulders, arms, hands

Poor Gemini is plagued by hay fever, colds, and coughs. When not bogged down with respiratory problems, gregarious Geminis speak with their hands and arms, often throwing their necks out of whack. The evil twin of the lively Gemini is nervous and negative. It’s not uncommon for Geminis to suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, insomnia, and nervous exhaustion.

Association: breasts, chest, stomach

Depression is a common affliction among emotional Cancerians. To console themselves, Cancerians turn to food and often fight obesity, which can be depressing. Unfortunately, Cancerians are also prone to digestive woes, which are further exacerbated by overeating.

Association: heart, back, spine, blood

Beware ailments of the heart, mighty Leo. High blood pressure, blocked arteries, and irregular heartbeat are risks you face. If you’re a Leo, tame your roar with mindfulness or meditation for good heart health.

Association: abdomen, intestines

Virgos struggle with their weight, whether it’s too much weight or too little weight. Eating disorders are common among Virgos, as are stomach ailments such as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.

Association: kidneys, adrenal glands, skin

Poor Librans are plagued by digestive problems and normally have either diarrhea or constipation. Take it easy on rich foods and treats that may not be so gentle on your stomach, Librans. And because your skin is sensitive, stay hydrated and moisturized.

Association: bladder, rectum, genitals, ovaries, testes

Sex hormones tend to ebb and flow more erratically in the Scorpio. On one extreme, this can lead to celibacy. When hormones swing the other direction, Scorpio is vulnerable to consequences such as sexually transmitted diseases.

Association: hips, thighs, sciatic nerves, vision

The restless spirits of Sagittarians make them accidents waiting to happen. Sagittarians are also vulnerable to conditions that affect the eyes. Remember, if your vision is impaired, you are more likely to have accidents.

Association: bones, knees, teeth, skin, joints

Have you ever wondered how Dolly Parton maintains that shoulders back, perfect posture despite the counterbalance? Dolly is a Capricorn. And she has the strong bones and perfect posture that’s the hallmark of her sign. Capricorns are also more likely to suffer broken bones. High-heeled boots should be worn with caution.

Association: lower legs, ankles, circulation

Aquarians are apt to be extremely graceful, though occasionally an Aquarian will swing the other direction and exhibit extreme klutziness. If you were born under the sign of Aquarius, you may have weak ankles and a map of varicose veins crisscrossing your legs.

Association: nervous system, feet, thalamus

Sensitive Pisceans often worry themselves sick. This isn’t difficult to do because Pisceans often have weak immune systems. If you’re a Pisces, you likely have corns, bunions, and athlete’s foot. If you don’t have these conditions, they may be in your future.

Our medical astrology overview is all in fun, as there is little to no scientific evidence for these associations. While Current Biology reports that the “moon appears to have no effect upon [human] physiology,” it is noted that the seasons have a small impact on health.