Types of insomnia include onset insomnia (trouble falling asleep), maintenance insomnia (trouble staying asleep), and behavioral insomnia of childhood. The insomnia may be acute or chronic.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it hard to fall or stay asleep. It leads to daytime sleepiness and a lack of feeling rested when you wake up.

Approximately 10 to 15 percent of the general population experiences insomnia, but it’s considerably more common in post and perimenopausal people and older adults. It can last a few days or weeks or continue long term.

Stress, menopause, and certain physical and mental health conditions are common causes of insomnia.

Each type of insomnia is characterized by its duration, effects on sleep, and underlying causes.

Acute insomnia

Acute insomnia is short-term insomnia that typically lasts 3 to 14 days. It’s the most common type of insomnia, with up to 30 percent of the population experiencing it annually.

Acute insomnia is also referred to as adjustment insomnia because it typically occurs when you experience a stressful event, such as the death of a loved one or starting a new job.

Along with stress, acute insomnia can also be caused by:

  • environmental factors that disrupt your sleep, such as noise or light
  • sleeping in an unfamiliar bed or surroundings, such as a hotel or new home
  • physical discomfort, such as pain or being unable to assume a comfortable position
  • certain medications
  • illness
  • jet lag

Chronic insomnia

Insomnia is considered chronic if you have trouble sleeping for at least 3 days per week for at least 3 months. It occurs in around 10 percent of the population.

Chronic insomnia can be primary or secondary. Primary chronic insomnia, which is also called idiopathic insomnia, doesn’t have an obvious cause or underlying medical condition — it develops on its own.

Secondary insomnia, also called comorbid insomnia, is more common. It’s chronic insomnia that occurs with another condition, such as sleep apnea.

Chronic insomnia is commonly associated with:

Onset insomnia

Onset insomnia involves having trouble initiating sleep. This type of insomnia can be short-term or chronic.

Any of the causes of acute and chronic insomnia can make it difficult to fall asleep. Psychological or psychiatric conditions are the most common causes, including stress, anxiety, or depression.

According to a 2009 study, people with chronic onset insomnia often have another sleep disorder, such as restless leg syndrome or periodic limb movement disorder.

Caffeine and other stimulants can also prevent you from falling asleep.

Maintenance insomnia

Maintenance insomnia is difficulty staying asleep or waking up too early and having trouble getting back to sleep.

This type of insomnia causes you to worry about not being able to fall back asleep and not getting enough sleep. This interferes with sleep further, creating a vicious cycle.

Maintenance insomnia can be caused by mental health conditions, such as depression. Other medical conditions that can cause you to wake up include:

Behavioral insomnia of childhood

Behavioral insomnia of childhood (BIC) affects up to 30 percent of children. It’s divided into three subtypes:

  • BIC sleep-onset: This type results from special conditions at bedtime, such as learning to go to sleep by being rocked or having a parent nearby as a child falls asleep.
  • BIC limit-setting: This type involves a child’s refusal to go to bed and repeated attempts to put off going to sleep. Examples of this behavior are asking for a drink, to go to the bathroom, or for a parent to read them another story. A child may also refuse to go back to sleep after they wake up.
  • BIC combined type: This is a combination of sleep-onset and limit-setting BIC.

BIC can usually be resolved with a few behavioral changes, such as creating a healthy sleep routine or learning self-soothing or relaxation techniques.

See a doctor if insomnia is making it hard for you to function during the day or if it lasts more than a couple of weeks. A doctor can help determine the cause of your insomnia and the most effective way to treat it.

How is insomnia diagnosed?

Diagnosing insomnia may include a physical examination and a review of your medical history to check for signs of an underlying condition.

You may also be asked to track your sleep patterns and symptoms in a sleep diary. A doctor may refer you for a sleep study to check for other sleep disorders.

What are the risks and side effects of insomnia?

Insomnia can cause a number of risks and side effects that affect your mental and physical health and impact your ability to function.

Risks and side effects of insomnia include:

  • decreased performance at work or school
  • increased risk of accidents
  • increased risk of depression and other mental health conditions
  • increased risk of chronic medical conditions, such as heart disease and metabolic syndrome

How do you treat insomnia?

Treatment for insomnia varies depending on the cause.

You may be able to treat acute insomnia at home with an over-the-counter sleep aid or by managing your stress. Other treatments include medication and drug management.

Treatment for chronic insomnia may require addressing any underlying condition that’s causing your insomnia. A doctor may recommend cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), which is now the first-line treatment for insomnia.

Overall, it’s important to learn how to reduce your sleep-related anxiety and any negative behaviors around sleep.

Each of the different types of insomnia can interfere with your ability to function during the day.

Acute, chronic, onset, maintenance, and behavioral insomnia of childhood are the types of insomnia. Each is associated with sleeping difficulty.

The type that you might have may depend on the cause, its duration, and how it’s affecting your sleep. See a doctor if your insomnia is affecting your daily life for more than a couple of weeks.

Left untreated, chronic insomnia can increase your risk of depression and other serious conditions.