If you have type 2 diabetes, your blood sugar reacts to foods in different ways, depending on what and how much you eat. Here’s what you need to know about serving sizes and portions.
Portions and serving sizes both relate to the quantity of food at a meal. However, there are some key differences to understand.
The term “portion” describes how much food you decide to eat for a snack or at mealtime. You choose the amount that’s in a portion. For example, a handful of almonds, a glass of milk, or a blueberry muffin can all be considered a portion.
Since portions are not objectively measured, it can be tricky to determine the number of calories, carbohydrates, and fiber in a given amount of food.
Understanding roughly what’s in an average portion of food, such as a medium-sized sweet potato, can help you estimate how many carbs you’re consuming.
Serving size is an objective quantity of food or drink. This is typically measured by a cup, ounce, or other unit, such as a single slice of bread. This allows you to more accurately measure the amount of calories, sugar, protein, and nutrients in a given food.
Nutrition labels on food packages list the serving size for each item. You should also check the number of servings in the container.
For example, a blueberry muffin that you buy at a convenience store may actually be considered two serving sizes. That means the number of calories, carbs, and other components listed on the label will be doubled if you eat the whole muffin.
When you have type 2 diabetes, it’s important to pay attention to the amount of carbs, protein, and fiber you consume at each snack and meal.
Fiber can help keep blood sugar levels balanced. A 2020 study found that those with diabetes who consumed a larger amount of dietary fiber per day had better health outcomes than those with low fiber.
Adding protein to meals and snacks can also help improve blood sugar control and increase feelings of fullness. This may be particularly helpful for people with diabetes who have excess weight to lose.
Being mindful about the amount of food you eat can help you avoid high blood sugar levels. Here are a few portion control strategies for people with type 2 diabetes.
Counting carbs
Limiting the amount of carbs you eat can help keep your blood sugar within your target range. It’s especially important to limit refined carb sources, such as white bread, sugary baked goods, and sweetened beverages.
Talk with your doctor to learn how many carbs you should be eating, both at mealtimes and in total for the day.
Then, track your carb intake using a notebook, a notes app on your phone, or another tracking tool.
The plate method
Your plate can provide a visual tool for eating the right proportions of foods. The “
Half of your plate should be filled with nonstarchy vegetables, such as leafy greens, broccoli, or zucchini.
The remaining half of your plate should be evenly divided between lean proteins, such as tofu or chicken, and grains or starches, such as potatoes or brown rice. You could also opt to skip the starches and give yourself a double portion of nonstarchy vegetables instead.
You can also add a serving of fruit on the side, like a small pear.
To help manage your blood sugar, it’s best to drink beverages that are low in calories and carbohydrates, such as water or unsweetened tea.
Measure with your hand
Your fist is roughly the size of a cup or a medium-sized piece of fruit, such as an apple.
When it comes to lean protein, the palm of your hand (without the fingers) equates to about 3 ounces of meat, seafood, or poultry.
An ounce of cheese or meat is around the length of your thumb.
You can estimate a cupped handful of nuts or chips to be about 1 to 2 ounces.
And if you’re trying to measure fats, such as butter or avocado, the tip of your thumb is about a tablespoon, while the tip of your index finger is a teaspoon.
Although this method isn’t quite as accurate as using a measuring cup or a scale, your hand can help you eat appropriate portion sizes and keep your blood sugar levels in a normal range.
Proper nutrition and portion control can play an important role in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Strategies such as carb counting, the plate method, and measuring portions with your hand can help you avoid eating too many carbohydrates and calories. This can help you control your weight and blood sugar levels.
Your doctor can offer individualized guidance on what you should eat, including the amount of certain food groups you should consume. Serving size strategies can help you stick to those guidelines.
Eating a nutritious and well-rounded diet, managing serving sizes, and getting regular physical activity can help you maintain healthy blood sugar levels. It can also support weight loss and weight maintenance — and promote good overall health and wellness.