Abdominal cramps can result from causes like muscle strain and gas. But you can also have spasms in your stomach or intestines as a symptom of another condition, including irritable bowel syndrome.

Abdominal cramps, or what many people call “stomach spasms,” can be contractions of your abdominal muscles (abs), stomach, or intestines. Depending on which part of your body is spasming and how badly, it might feel like a slight muscle twitch or stomach cramps.

In the medical community, stomach spasms specifically refer to those that occur in the stomach, while intestinal spasms occur in the intestines. You can also have cramping or spasms in your abdominal muscles. It can be difficult to know which exactly you are feeling.

Cramps and spasms in your abdominal region are often harmless, but they could be a symptom of an underlying condition. Read on to learn more about potential causes of cramping and spasms and when to call your doctor.

Identifying the cause of your discomfort can help you treat this symptom. Here are 11 conditions that may be responsible for your symptoms.

1. Muscle strain

Overworking your abdominal muscles could cause them to spasm. Spasms due to muscle strain are most likely to occur in people who do strenuous and frequent exercise, especially crunches and situps.

Other symptoms of muscle strain are:

  • tenderness or pain in your abs
  • pain that gets worse with movement

2. Dehydration

Losing electrolytes from dehydration caused by sweating, vomiting, and diarrhea can result in muscle spasms throughout your body, including your stomach. This happens because to work properly, muscles need electrolytes, such as:

When they don’t have electrolytes, your muscles may start working abnormally and seizing up.

Learn more about identifying and treating an electrolyte imbalance.

Other symptoms of dehydration include:

3. Gas

A buildup of gas in your stomach can cause your intestinal muscles to spasm as your body tries to release the gas. If you have gas, you might also have:

  • bloating
  • distended stomach, or when your stomach appears larger than usual
  • sharp stomach pain
  • a feeling of fullness
  • an urge to pass gas or burp

This can happen if you eat certain foods that cause a lot of gas or swallow a lot of air while eating or drinking. But regular gas buildup can occur due to gastrointestinal disorders and food intolerances, such as:

4. Irritable bowel syndrome

IBS is a chronic condition that affects the large intestine. It doesn’t cause bowel tissue changes but causes symptoms such as:

  • stomach pain or cramping
  • bloated feeling
  • constipation
  • diarrhea (sometimes constipation and diarrhea will alternate)
  • gas

The different types of IBS can cause different symptoms.

5. Inflammatory bowel disease

Inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (UC), are chronic inflammatory conditions. Crohn’s disease can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, while UC only affects the colon. In both conditions, inflammation can cause bowel spasms.

Other symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases are:

6. Gastritis and gastroenteritis

Gastritis and gastroenteritis both cause stomach inflammation, but in gastroenteritis, the intestines are also inflamed. This inflammation often results from infections, such as:

  • Helicobacter pylori
  • Norwalk virus
  • rotavirus

Other symptoms of gastritis and gastroenteritis include:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • diarrhea (gastroenteritis only)
  • stomach pain
  • bloating

7. Infectious colitis

Colitis can cause abdominal cramping due to irritation and inflammation of the colon, which causes it to spasm. Some bacteria that can cause colitis include:

Parasites such as Giardia can also cause colitis.

8. Ischemic enteritis and colitis

You can sometimes develop colitis from a lack of blood supply to the small bowel and colon. Spasms can occur in this type of colitis as well.

9. Constipation

Your bowels may cramp when you experience constipation. This is because they may distend in response to increased pressure inside them.

10. Ileus

An ileus is when your bowels become “lazy” or “sleepy.” An ileus causes your bowels to fill with air and fluid, resulting in distention and pain.

This can occur for several reasons including:

  • infection
  • inflammation
  • recent surgery (especially in the abdomen)
  • narcotic use
  • severe illness
  • lack of physical activity

11. Gastroparesis

Gastroparesis, or delayed gastric emptying, is basically an ileus involving the stomach. It most commonly occurs in those with diabetes and can cause stomach cramping, especially after eating.

Stomach spasms are a common occurrence in pregnancy. Most causes of stomach spasms during pregnancy are harmless, but you should see a doctor if you have pain or constant or recurring spasms.

Some possible reasons for spasms in pregnancy include:


Gas is a common symptom of pregnancy. This is because the progesterone your body produces to support the pregnancy also relaxes your muscles, including the muscles of your intestine. That slows down your digestion and allows gas to build up.

Other symptoms include:

  • bloating
  • sharp stomach pain
  • a feeling of fullness
  • an urge to pass gas or burp

Braxton-Hicks contractions

Braxton-Hicks contractions, also known as false labor, often happen in the last trimester of pregnancy. They usually feel more like a tightening of muscles than the pain of actual labor, and they aren’t regular. These contractions are harmless, but it’s a good idea to check with your doctor if you experience them, especially if they become regular.

Your baby moving

When your baby kicks or rolls over, it might feel like a muscle spasm in your stomach, especially during your second trimester. At this point, your baby probably isn’t big enough for you to feel strong kicks, so movement feels more like a spasm or twitch.

Muscles stretching

Your abdominal muscles stretch during pregnancy to accommodate the baby. When muscles stretch, they might also twitch as they try to maintain their original size. Muscle stretching can also lead to dull, achy pain (round ligament pain), but is considered a normal part of pregnancy.

Most causes of abdominal cramping are harmless and go away without further treatment. If you have spasms or cramps that are painful or happen often, they could be a symptom of a more serious medical issue.

Talk with a doctor if you have any of these symptoms in addition to abdominal cramps:

  • vomiting
  • blood in your bowel movements
  • severe pain, especially chest pain
  • long lasting or recurring spasms
  • fever
  • shortness of breath

You should also consult with a doctor if your abdominal cramps interfere with your daily life or cause you distress.

If abdominal cramps or spasms bother you, you may be able to relieve them at home. Some at-home treatments treat the underlying cause of muscle spasms, while others relax the stomach muscles so that they stop spasming.

If you have this symptom during pregnancy, talk with your doctor before trying any home remedies. Some home treatments may not be safe during pregnancy.


Heat can help to relax your abdominal muscles. This is particularly helpful if muscle strain or overuse is causing your spasms. You can try using a heating pad on a warm setting or sitting in a warm bath.


Massaging your abdominal muscles can help to relax them.

Herbal tea

Some herbal teas, like chamomile or ginger, can help calm an upset stomach and manage spasms. They’re also considered a home remedy for gas.


If your cramps are caused by dehydration, replenishing your electrolytes may help. Try drinking a sports drink like Gatorade or eating a banana.

Use caution, however, if you have a history of kidney failure because some electrolytes, particularly potassium, can rise to dangerous levels with supplements.

If you develop dizziness or pass out because of dehydration, you’ve lost a significant amount of body fluid. This is an emergency.

Seek immediate treatment in the nearest emergency room for intravenous fluid replacement to prevent your body from going into shock and to prevent damage to your heart, liver, brain, and kidneys.

Pain relievers

If your spasms are painful, an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) may help.

You must be cautious with OTC pain medications. Ibuprofen and similar drugs can cause gastric ulcers and kidney damage if taken in excessive amounts. Acetaminophen, in large quantities, can cause liver damage and even liver failure. If you feel that you need to take more of these medications than the recommended dosage on the bottle, you should consult with a doctor.


Stomach acid can cause gastritis, which in turn can cause stomach spasms. In these cases, antacids or OTC proton pump inhibitors can help your spasms by reducing stomach acid.


If your spasms are caused by muscle strain, cutting back on exercise and resting your stomach muscles can help stop the spasming.


Some yoga poses may help support healthy digestion. They may also help gas move through your digestive tract.

You can usually treat abdominal cramps caused by conditions such as gas, dehydration, and muscle strain at home. Other conditions or severe stomach spasms usually require treatment from a doctor.

Your doctor will try to determine the underlying cause of your spasms and treat that cause. Treatment might include:

  • antibiotics for gastritis or gastroenteritis caused by bacteria
  • a class of medication called aminosalicylates for UC and some cases of Crohn’s disease
  • corticosteroids for UC and Crohn’s disease
  • antispasmodic medications if you have IBS or very severe spasms not controlled by other treatments

If your cramps are caused by a condition such as inflammatory bowel disease or IBS, treating those conditions is the best method to prevent the spasms. For spasms caused by muscle strain, gas, or dehydration, here are some ways you can help prevent them from happening:

  • Exercise correctly: Working your muscles hard can be good for your health, but working them too hard or incorrectly can lead to injuries. Always make sure you use proper form and rest if you need to.
  • Stay hydrated: A loss of electrolytes due to dehydration can cause muscle spasms. Making sure you stay hydrated, therefore, can help reduce spasms.
  • Changing your diet: This may help prevent stomach or intestinal spasms caused by gas, gastritis, IBS, and inflammatory bowel disorders.
    • If gas is causing your stomach spasms, limiting your fiber intake might help. However, eating fiber can help people with constipation caused by IBS and gastritis.
    • Limit your alcohol consumption.
    • Limit spicy foods, which can irritate your stomach and intestines and make spasms worse.
    • Fatty foods can also increase symptoms in these conditions and should be limited.
    • If you have an inflammatory bowel disease, work with your doctor to find the safest foods for you to eat.

Abdominal cramps can sometimes just be normal muscle movement and are often caused by conditions treatable at home.

Sometimes they can be a symptom of a problem that requires a doctor’s attention.

If abdominal spasms are severe, persistent, or last longer than a few days, or if you have fever, blood in the stool or vomitus, or persistent nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, you need to seek medical attention.