You can relieve sinus pressure with the help of natural remedies like a humidifier, saline washes, and biofeedback. But you may need medical attention if your symptoms do not improve after a week or two.
Sinus pressure results from blocked nasal passages. When your sinuses cannot drain, you may experience inflammation and pain in your head, nose, and face.
Many people experience sinus pressure from seasonal allergies or the common cold. While some over-the-counter (OTC) treatments can help reduce symptoms, there are also many effective natural remedies.
Dry air and dry sinuses can increase sinus pressure, causing sinus headaches and pain. Steam can add moisture to the air, moisten your sinus passages, and thin out mucus that may have thickened over time. Some ways to breathe in moistened air include:
- taking a hot shower
- breathing over a cup of tea
- using a humidifier
If your sinus pressure is related to a viral infection, you can try adding eucalyptus oil to your bath or vaporizer to help speed your recovery. Eucalyptus contains cineole, an ingredient
The oil also may help to reduce nasal stuffiness and clear your pathways.
You can do a sinus flush at home to relieve sinus pressure and congestion. A sinus flush uses sterile saltwater rinsed through your nasal passages to wash away debris and allergens.
You can also try saline nasal spray contains salt that helps to increase moisture in your nose and reduce sinus pressure.
You can buy sterile saline spray in drugstores or make your own with baking soda, distilled water, and iodine-free salt. If making your own, you must use distilled water, filtered water, or water that has been boiled, as other sources may contain harmful bacteria.
A good night’s sleep can help the body to heal. Also, when you’re at rest, your body can produce more white blood cells, which help you recover from viruses and other bacteria.
Allowing your body to rest can help to reduce sinus pressure, speed your recovery time, and leave you feeling more refreshed. If your sinus pressure makes sleeping difficult, check out these tips for sleeping with a cold that may help.
Just as sleep is essential for healing, how you sleep can improve or worsen sinus symptoms. Lying flat can increase mucus buildup in your nasal passages, increase your sinus pressure, and disrupt your sleep cycle.
Prop your head with pillows at night to keep your head above your heart. This sleeping position can help prevent sinus buildup and allow you to breathe more comfortably.
Dehydration can contribute to your sinus passages drying out and increased pressure on your face. Increase your water intake throughout the day if you feel under the weather. Fluids will reduce blockages in your sinuses.
While water may be your first choice to remain hydrated, you can also retain fluids through other foods and beverages, including:
- broth/ soups
- ice cubes
- herbal tea
- water-based vegetables and fruits, like cucumber and watermelon
Your sinus pressure may cause you to feel tension in your head, face, and neck.
Relaxation may help relieve some headaches. You can try incorporating deep breathing exercises and meditation to achieve relaxation and reduce pain. Yoga, meditation, and other relaxation techniques can help to reduce pain and pressure from sinus infections.
Similar to yoga, exercise can reduce sinus pressure. Physical activity can increase blood circulation and temporarily relieve congestion to ease breathing. Although uncomfortable to perform while sick, low impact physical activity can help to improve your recovery time and speed healing. This can include taking a walk or doing gentle yoga.
You can place a warm compress, such as a washcloth dampened with warm water, over your sinuses to relieve swelling. This may help open your nasal passages.
If home remedies do not work, you may also be able to relieve sinus pressure with common OTC products. These can depend on the cause of your sinus pressure and may include:
- nasal decongestants, such as pseudoephedrine
- antihistamines, if allergies are causing your sinus pressure
- vapor rub, which can make you feel as though you are breathing better
- expectorants, which can break up mucus
Sinus pressure symptoms can be painful and uncomfortable. In addition to using traditional treatment methods like decongestants and pain relievers, alternative home remedies can also boost your recovery.
If you continue to experience sinus pressure symptoms after two weeks, or if they begin to worsen, seek medical attention. This could indicate a more severe infection that may require prescribed antibiotics.
How do you relieve sinus pressure fast?
You may be able to find relief from sinus pressure with a combination of rest, elevation, and keeping your nasal passages moist.
What pressure points drain sinuses?
Pressure points for sinus relief can include: LI20, BL2, Yintang, SI18, GB20, LI4, LU5, LU9, and Liv3.
Learn more about how to find sinus pressure points here.
How do you manually drain your sinuses?
You can manually drain your sinuses by inhaling steam, staying elevated, and performing nasal irrigation, such as with a Neti Pot.
Depending on the cause of your sinus pressure, at-home remedies may help relieve your symptoms. This can include breathing in steam and flushing your sinuses.
If these remedies do not work, you may decide to contact a doctor. They may be able to diagnose and treat the cause of your sinus pressure.