Dear Sabrina,

Stay strong, now and always. Remember those words that mom taught you. Living with a chronic disease like psoriasis can and will be hard at times, but it’s how strong you are through those difficult times that will give you the confidence to live each day in a positive light.

You are one of the lucky ones. Instead of waiting, you saw the right dermatologist as soon the plaques appeared. This will be such an important part of your psoriasis journey, as you’ll be able to help others understand the importance of finding the right doctor from the very beginning. This means finding a dermatologist who specializes in psoriasis.

You’ll try all the treatments out there, but there is a reason why. Eventually, you’ll find what works for you. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease and no one’s immune system is the same, so it affects everyone differently. A treatment that works for someone else may or may not work for you, and that is OK.

Learning how your body reacts to a certain trigger, psoriasis treatment, or lifestyle change is part of the journey. You’re going to provide hope for others struggling to find what works for them. You’ll get to the point of being comfortable in the skin you’re in while managing your psoriasis.

Living with psoriasis is tough, so there will come a time (or times) when you’ll need a support system. Your husband and family will be your main support system, so make sure to share your story with them.

Also, look for support within the National Psoriasis Foundation and on social media. Share your story with groups founded by people living with psoriasis. These individuals will understand you on another level.

You’ll get a little bit nervous when you and your husband are ready to start a family. The thought of stopping any psoriasis treatment while you’re pregnant can be scary. Even the thought of passing the disease on to your children can make you think twice about having kids. But the life you grow is so worth it.

Yes, you will experience some flare-ups, probably in places you’ve never had flare-ups before. But it’s part of living with this complicated disease, and you will get through it. You will come out of both of your pregnancies a stronger, more confident woman than you were before. You will give hope to others looking to get pregnant while living with a chronic disease.

One last thing: Take care of yourself.

If you aren’t feeling 100 percent, then you can’t care for those around you. If that means taking 10 minutes a day to do something for yourself, then do it, girl.

This can be anything from reading your favorite book, sitting in silence, walking around the block, or indulging in your favorite lotion to help manage your flare-ups on your elbows (because those won’t seem to go away). As much as you take care of others, you deserve the same amount of love.

Remember, you’ve been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.

Sabrina Skiles is a lifestyle and psoriasis blogger. She created her blog, Homegrown Houston, as a lifestyle resource for millennial women and those living with psoriasis. She shares daily inspiration on topics like health and wellness, motherhood and marriage, and managing a chronic disease while living a stylish life. Sabrina is also a volunteer mentor, coach, and social ambassador for the National Psoriasis Foundation. You can find her sharing psoriasis tips while living a stylish life on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.