You may experience jaw and ear pain at the same time. These 8 reasons can help you understand why the cause may be related to only your jaw or ears, but the pain spills over from the other area.

If you notice both ear and jaw pain simultaneously, it may be because of several reasons.

A medical condition in your jaw, ear, or mouth can cause the pain. Another possibility is that you’re experiencing “referred pain,” which happens when a part of your body feels pain even though the source of the pain is located somewhere else.

Below are some conditions that can cause pain in both your jaw and ears at the same time, in large part because of their close proximity.

1. TMJ disorders

One source of ear and jaw pain may be related to your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This area includes not only the jaw joint but also the muscles surrounding it.

The TMJ is adjacent to the temporal bone, which includes your inner ear. The TMJ does a lot of work, moving in many directions so you can chew and talk.

Ear and jaw pain may occur from a TMJ disorder. Around 10 to 15 percent of adults may experience a TMJ disorder. These disorders cause inflammation and pain in your TMJ. Facial pain and ear discomfort are the most common complaints of this condition. You may have a chronic TMJ disorder if you experience symptoms for longer than three months.

You may develop a TMJ disorder from wear and tear or because of another medical condition. In some cases, your doctor may suspect a TMJ disorder, but you actually have something else like:

2. Osteoarthritis

Ear and jaw pain could be caused by osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis in the TMJ. This condition develops from wear and tear over time to the cartilage surrounding the joint. You may feel stiffness in the joint as well as pain.

3. Rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis

These forms of arthritis occur because your immune system attacks healthy joints. Both rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis are identified as autoimmune conditions.

You may experience joint pain throughout your body at different times, including in your TMJ, and certain triggers may cause the pain to flare up.

4. Migraine

Pain felt in your jaw and ears near the TMJ area may trigger migraine. Migraine attacks are severe headaches that can re-occur. They can cause sensitivity to light, sound, and smell.

5. Swimmer’s ear

This condition occurs when bacteria forms in the outer ear from water exposure or injury. You may get this condition from swimming or if an outside object tears your ear’s lining. The symptoms will get worse if the condition is untreated and can lead to ear and jaw pain.

6. Sinusitis

You may experience ear and jaw pain from sinusitis. This condition can occur if you have a cold or allergies and your nasal passages become irritated and inflamed. The infection is generally caused by a virus, but you can also get bacterial sinusitis.

7. Dental issues

You may experience cavities, periodontal disease, and dental abscesses if bacteria builds up on your teeth and gums. These conditions can cause damage to your mouth and beyond, especially if left untreated. They can lead to jaw and ear pain.

8. Teeth grinding

If you grind your teeth, you may end up with a TMJ disorder and feel pain in your ears and jaw. This condition can:

  • impact the way your teeth align
  • erode your teeth
  • break down your TMJ
  • strain your muscles

You may grind your teeth at night and not even realize it until pain or another symptom develops.

Ear and jaw pain are not the only symptoms of these conditions. You may also experience the following:

  • TMJ disorder
    • facial pain
    • pain from chewing
    • jaw clicking or locking
    • ear ringing
    • hearing loss
    • neck and shoulder pain
    • teeth shifting and misalignment
    • headaches
  • Arthritis
    • swelling in the jaw
  • Migraines
    • throbbing pain on one or both sides of your head
    • nausea
    • changes to your vision or other senses
  • Swimmer’s ear
    • drainage
    • pain along the face and neck
    • hearing reduction
    • itching
    • fever
  • Sinusitis
    • clogged nasal passages
    • green or yellow discharge
    • sensitivity of the face
    • cough
    • headache
    • restricted ability to smell and taste
  • Cavities, periodontal disease, or dental abscesses
    • pain throughout the lower face and neck
    • pain that gets worse when you lie down
    • swelling in the gums and on the face
    • loose or sensitive teeth
    • sensitivity to cold and hot foods and beverages
    • fever and flu-like symptoms
  • Teeth grinding
    • tooth sensitivity
    • worn teeth
    • facial and neck pain
    • headache
    • sleep disruption

Your doctor will conduct a physical exam to begin the diagnosis of your jaw and ear pain. Your doctor may also ask about your health history to find out more about your symptoms. Be sure to mention:

  • recent dental surgeries
  • illnesses
  • injuries
  • changes to your mental health like stress, anxiety, or depression

Your doctor may:

  • listen to your jaw
  • feel your jaw and around your face
  • look in your ears
  • check your vital signs
  • examine your mouth

You may need an MRI, X-ray, or other imaging test to diagnose the condition.

The cause of jaw and ear pain can vary and so can treatments.

You may not seek treatment for TMJ, as 40 percent of cases resolve on their own and only 5 to 10 percent of cases require treatment. Treatments for a TMJ disorder can include:

  • resting your jaw
  • home remedies
  • using over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications
  • wearing a brace or splint to restrict jaw movement
  • flushing your joint to reduce inflammation
  • surgery, in severe cases

Other causes of ear and joint pain may include similar treatments. Some conditions like arthritis, swimmer’s ear, and sinusitis may include specific medications.

Your doctor may recommend certain anti-inflammatories for arthritis, steroids for swimmer’s ear, and nasal sprays for sinusitis, among other treatment options.

Oral conditions like cavities, periodontal disease, and dental abscesses may require tooth removal, a root canal, or deep cleaning in addition to other treatment methods.

There are several methods you can try at home to help TMJ disorders:

  • Change your diet to incorporate more soft foods.
  • Stop chewing gum or other objects, such as the ends of pens or pencils.
  • Relax and rest your jaw.
  • Use a warm or cold compress to the jaw.
  • Perform exercises that stretch the jaw, including slowly opening and closing your mouth several times.
  • Avoid stress.

Some of these treatments may also work with other conditions causing ear and jaw pain.

Take good care of your teeth to treat and avoid conditions that affect your mouth. Make sure to brush and floss regularly, eat a healthy diet, and quit smoking to avoid the buildup of bacteria in your mouth.

You should see a doctor if your ear and jaw pain:

  • is accompanied by a fever or other flu-like symptoms
  • gets in the way of your everyday activities
  • interferes with your sleep
  • persists despite treatments
  • inhibits your ability to eat and drink
  • causes pain or sensitivity in your teeth or gums

There are many reasons why you may experience jaw and ear pain at the same time. Often, the condition affecting both of them is related to only your jaw or ears but you feel referred pain in the other area.

Talk to your doctor to determine the cause of the jaw and ear pain. This will help you treat the pain and avoid it from getting worse.