Even if you understand what PPMS is and its effects on your body, there are likely times when you feel alone, isolated, and maybe somewhat desperate. While having this condition is challenging to say the least, these feelings are normal.

From treatment modifications to lifestyle adaptations, your life will be full of adjustments. But that doesn’t mean you have to adjust who you are as an individual.

Still, finding out how others just like you are coping and managing the condition can help you feel more supported in your PPMS journey. Read these quotes from our Living with Multiple Sclerosis Facebook community and see what you can do to cope with PPMS.

“Keep pushing forward. (Easier said, I know!) Most people don’t understand. They don’t have MS.”
Janice Robson Anspach, living with MS


“Honestly, acceptance is key to coping — relying on faith and practicing optimism and imagining a future where restoration is possible. Never give up.”
Todd Castner, living with MS


“Some days are a lot more difficult than others! There are days I am just so lost or want to give up and be done with it all! Other days the pain, depression, or sleepiness get the better of me. I don’t like taking meds. Sometimes I want to stop taking them all. Then I remember why I’m fighting, the reason I push and keep going.”
Crystal Vickrey, living with MS


“Always talk to someone about how you’re feeling. This alone helps.”
Jeanette Carnot-Iuzzolino, living with MS


“Each day I wake up and set new goals and cherish each day, whether I am in pain or feeling good.”
Cathy Sue, living with MS