IBS bloating results from the buildup of excess gas in the intestines, usually due to an imbalance in your gut microbiome. Remedies can range from simple lifestyle modifications to medications.
Uncomfortable bloating is one of the main symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). You may also have abdominal pain, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.
All of these symptoms may be frustrating, but bloating can be especially unpleasant. Your distended intestinal wall can also trigger pain receptors in your abdomen, adding to the discomfort.
It can sometimes occur as a side effect of your IBS treatment.
However, there are several steps you can take to both treat and prevent bloating from IBS.
Although IBS is one of the most commonly diagnosed gastrointestinal disorders, the exact cause of IBS is unknown. It tends to cause constipation in some people, though, and the longer the stool stays in your colon, the more time bacteria have to ferment, ultimately causing excess gas and bloating.
The excess gas causing IBS bloating may result from an imbalance of your gut microbiome. A group of beneficial bacteria that live in your intestines and help you digest food and build immunity is known as your gut microbiome.
This imbalance can occur due to antibiotic use, an overly sensitive colon, an overactive immune system, diet, stress, and anxiety.
You can use both medications, home remedies, and lifestyle changes to help you relieve IBS bloating.
Over-the-counter medications
Several products on the market claim to reduce bloating and either decrease or prevent excess gas production from the digestion of certain foods. These products typically contain simethicone, activated charcoal, or alpha-galactosidase.
They might be effective in some people for treating mild signs and symptoms but are typically not the most effective option. For more severe cases of IBS, you will need to make lifestyle modifications to treat the condition.
There are many foods you may be eating that contribute to a sense of bloating. The most successful way to eliminate your bloated feeling — and the gas that is often associated with it — is with prevention through your diet.
One top offender is dietary fiber. Foods that are high in fiber, such as beans, whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables, can make you gassy. But increasing your fiber intake can help treat other symptoms of IBS, but it can also cause bloating and gas when consumed in large or sudden amounts.
You can try increasing your dietary fiber slowly to allow your digestive system to get used to it, or you can try fiber supplements. Supplements may not cause as much of negative symptoms as high fiber foods. Just be sure to take them with plenty of water. Fiber with psyllium may be more helpful than fiber with bran for this symptom in people living with IBS.
Dairy products can cause bloating if you’re lactose intolerant. Wheat can cause bloating if you’re sensitive to gluten. Try eliminating these foods and see whether your symptoms improve.
Most people experience some bloating and gas from artificial sweeteners, such as fructose and sorbitol. Avoid artificially sweetened foods and carbonated drinks, which may also increase the gas in your intestines.
Probiotics are bacteria that are consumed as supplements or fermented foods and are believed to improve health. In the gut, these probiotics are believed to help restore the balance of “good,” healthy microflora. The balance between the different bacteria in your gut can affect IBS and its symptoms.
Consuming probiotics helps relieve bloating associated with IBS. Try a probiotic supplement or yogurt with live, active cultures. Discuss with your doctor the amount that you should aim for each day.
In recent years, researchers
Although the exact causes of IBS aren’t fully understood, experts believe that SIBO may be one of several factors contributing to the condition. Antibiotics may help to eliminate certain bacteria and relieve symptoms like gas and bloating.
Peppermint oil has long been used to soothe upset stomachs, and you may find at least some temporary relief with it. Try a hot cup of peppermint tea, which is known to relax the smooth muscles of your intestines. However, be aware that it may also cause heartburn.
You may want to speak with your doctor before trying an herbal supplement.
Bloating is a common symptom of IBS. If you’re living with this condition, there are ways to get relief and help you feel more comfortable.
These remedies may be natural or pharmaceutical, so speak to your doctor to determine the right strategy for you.