How are you holding up during the COVID-19 outbreak?

Common answers these days include:

  • I’m freaking out.
  • I’m barely keeping it together.
  • I’m losing it.

So if you can relate to the stress, fear, and anxiety about the new coronavirus and the changes it’s made in our lives, you’re not the only one.

On a global scale, this pandemic is affecting our social lives, our mental health, our sleep patterns, and more. You may be feeling afraid for yourself, your loved ones, your job, or your housing.

That’s a lot to carry.

And on top of it all, as you follow the CDC’s recommended guidelines for physical or social distancing, you might also lose some of your community ties and social support that could otherwise help you through a time as stressful as this.

Here’s some help.

Not every one of the following strategies will work for every person, but if you keep these resources in your toolbox, there’s a good chance that you’ll develop a solid plan to support yourself moving forward.

Chronic loneliness can have an impact on your mental health, and it’s hard to avoid while you’re in isolation or under quarantine.

Learn about how loneliness can affect you and what to do about it:

Oftentimes, with isolation comes depression. If you’re already living with depression, this time might make it worse — but there are things you can do to feel better.

Hopefully, this resource guide can remind you that you don’t have to carry this load alone, and you don’t have to make wild guesses about how to handle it.

There are real, science-backed, expert-approved ways to navigate moments of stress, isolation, sleeplessness, and more.

You’re also an expert in your own life when it comes to your needs and how you’ve weathered hard times before.

So keep these resources on hand, refer to them as often as you need, and give yourself permission to take good care of yourself during this trying time. You deserve all the gentle care you can get.

Maisha Z. Johnson is a writer and advocate for survivors of violence, people of color, and LGBTQ+ communities. She lives with chronic illness and believes in honoring each person’s unique path to healing. Find Maisha on her website, Facebook, and Twitter.