Mountain pose, or Tadasana, may help to manage conditions like Parkinson’s disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is also foundational for all other standing yoga poses. Here’s how to do it.
Mountain pose, called Tadasana in Sanskrit, is a classic pose that acts as the foundation of all standing yoga poses.
Tadasana has many potential benefits and may help correct muscle imbalances, improve posture, and deepen awareness.
Read on to learn more about the benefits of Tadasana, how to do it, and modification options.
A consistent yoga practice may
- improve flexibility
- relieve pain
- improve sleep
- increase self-esteem
- improve management of anxiety
You can return to Tadasana between standing poses to focus on alignment and balance.
It may help to:
- improve coordination, as the pose calls for you to distribute your weight evenly
- tone your core, as you are encouraged to engage these muscles
- improve posture, as it involves being mindful of and correcting body parts like your pelvis, knees, and back
Mountain pose may also help enhance body awareness by correcting imbalances and improving posture, reducing the risk of injury.
It is often easier to develop awareness and adjust when you’re in a simple, static pose like Tadasana. You can also bring this same attention to more advanced asanas.
Research from 2019 found that yoga on its own or as an adjunctive (complementary) therapy may have a positive effect on depression. Using yoga as an adjunctive therapy may help with the treatment of anxiety disorders, most notably panic disorder.
Safety, comfort, and awareness are the most important things to consider when practicing yoga asanas.
You may want to avoid Tadasana if you have:
- headache
- low blood pressure
- dizziness or lightheadedness
- joint, back, or shoulder concerns
Tadasana steps
- Stand with your big toes touching and your heels slightly apart, so the outer edges of your feet are parallel.
- Distribute pressure evenly between your big toes, little toes, and heels.
- Lift your arches and press into the outer edges of your feet.
- Keep your knees slightly bent.
- Engage your quadriceps and lift your kneecaps upward slightly.
- Bring your pelvis into a neutral position, maintaining the natural curve of your low back.
- Activate your core muscles.
- Elongate your spine and broaden your chest.
- Draw your shoulder blades together and down the back.
- Relax your arms by your sides with your palms facing forward.
- Spread your hands and activate your fingers.
- Keep your belly relaxed and take slow, deep breaths.
- Hold this position for up to one minute, or five to 10 breaths.
If you feel overwhelmed by the many Tadasana alignment principles, try choosing one to three body parts to focus on. Once you’ve got these down, select a few new body parts to target.
Other tips
- Imagine a line of energy extending from your feet through your legs and spine and out through the crown of your head.
- Position your chin so it’s parallel to the floor.
- Relax your eyes, facial muscles, and throat.
- Soften your gaze and focus on a fixed point straight ahead or the tip of your nose.
- Scan your body for places of tightness and tension. Focus on softening these areas.
- Continually check in with your body and make slight adjustments as needed.
Tadasana may be useful in treating health conditions such as:
- Parkinson’s disease. Yoga poses like Tadasana
may help with Parkinson’s disease by improving posture and balance. - Ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Mountain pose is a gentle option that
may reduce pain related to AS. It also helps to improve posture and increase flexibility. - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The physical benefits of yoga poses like Tadasana, may be beneficial for people with COPD. It may help to improve breathing patterns and lung function.
It can be helpful to speak with a healthcare professional before beginning a new treatment option. They can advise if the treatment or lifestyle measure suits your health needs or whether an alternative option may be more beneficial.
There are several ways to modify Tadasana. Modifications can bring ease to the pose, accommodate individual differences, and offer variety.
Some modification options for Tadasana include:
- Using a chair to do seated Tadasana may help improve posture and build core strength. It can also help to align your neck, shoulders, and spine.
- If you are pregnant or have tightness in your lower back, hips, or knees, try to stand with your feet hip-distance apart. This foot placement can make it easier to balance and may feel more comfortable.
- To increase body awareness, play with your balance and weight distribution. Yield your weight forward and backward. Then yield your weight into the insides and outside of your feet. Next, balance on the balls of your feet and then on your heels. Notice how these shifts affect your overall posture, balance, and alignment.
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Once you’ve mastered the finer points of Tadasana, you can use the same awareness and alignment principles to practice similar asanas.
Yoga poses similar to Tadasana include:
How long should you hold mountain pose?
You should hold mountain pose for up to one minute, or five to ten breaths. You do not have to stay in any yoga pose for longer than you are comfortable.
What muscles does mountain pose work?
Mountain pose works several muscles, including your quadriceps, knees, and calf muscles. It also engages the core, neck, and shoulders.
While tadasana is one of the most basic yoga asanas, it is challenging for all levels and can offer several physical and emotional benefits.
Tadasana centers your body and mind, and aims to create a calm sense of inner peace.
Maintaining alignment and body awareness is a constant process. Standing strong, steady, and centered in Mountain Pose may help to improve posture, alignment, and balance. This can often benefit other yoga poses as well as your daily movements.
Keep your practice fresh by continually thinking of ways to vary the pose.