Body conditioning exercises target your whole body, using lots of different muscles to strengthen, shape, and tone your body. They may combine several types of exercise, such as flexibility, strength, and resistance training.

Body conditioning improves endurance, increases flexibility, and establishes a balanced, stable physique.

These valuable exercises offer a wealth of positive benefits to your overall health and fitness level. Regularly do these moves to build power, coordination, and speed. This allows you to improve your athletic performance and feel better while going about your daily routine.

Get your blood flowing, heart pumping, and muscles flexing with these body conditioning exercises. For best results, incorporate a few of them into your daily routine, or do a longer session two to three times per week.

Squat jumps

Use control to land as softly and quietly as possible. Intensify this exercise by replacing the regular jump with a tuck jump.


  1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width.
  2. Slowly lower down into a squat position.
  3. Engage your core and lower body as you jump explosively, extending your arms overhead.
  4. Lower back down to the squat position as soon as you land.
  5. Do 2 to 4 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.

Mountain climbers


  1. Begin in a high plank.
  2. Keep your spine straight as you engage your core and draw in your right knee toward your chest.
  3. Extend your right leg back to the starting position.
  4. Repeat on the left side.
  5. Continue for 1 minute.
  6. Repeat 2 to 4 times.


To make this exercise more challenging, do 2 to 4 pushups in a row while in the plank position. Or try out some of these variations.


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slowly lower down into a squat position.
  3. Place your hands on the floor directly under your shoulders.
  4. Walk or jump your feet back to come into a high plank.
  5. Walk or jump your feet to the outside of your hands as you come back into a squat position.
  6. Engage your core as you jump up as high as you can, and extend your arms overhead.
  7. Do 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 15 repetitions.

Split jacks

This total-body cardiovascular exercise targets your glutes, quads, and hamstrings.


  1. Stand in a lunge position with your left foot forward.
  2. Extend your right arm overhead and left arm alongside your body.
  3. Explosively jump and switch the position of your feet to bring your right foot forward.
  4. At the same time, change the position of your hands by reaching your left arm overhead and your right arm back.
  5. Continue for 30 seconds.
  6. Repeat 2 to 4 times.

Box jumps


  1. Stand in front of a box or sturdy bench.
  2. Use both legs to explosively jump onto the box, raising your arms overhead.
  3. Jump back down to the starting position, bending your knees slightly as you land.
  4. Do 2 to 4 sets of 8 to 15 repetitions.

Lateral lunges

This exercise utilizes the muscles along the sides of your legs, targeting your hips, glutes, and thighs.


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Press firmly into your right foot as you take a big step to the side with your left foot.
  3. Slowly lower your hips down and bend your left leg, keeping your right leg straight.
  4. Raise back up to standing, and step your left foot back to the starting position.
  5. Do the opposite side.
  6. Do 2 to 3 sets of 8 to16 repetitions.

Body conditioning exercises are a form of anaerobic exercise. They’re immensely beneficial to your physical health and overall well-being, making them a vital part of any fitness routine.

Since they don’t require equipment, you can do them anywhere. This is ideal when you’re traveling or have a time constraint.

Boosts cardiovascular health

The aerobic advantages of these exercises boost your cardiovascular and respiratory systems, lowering your risk for developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

They strengthen your musculoskeletal system, slow down bone loss, and improve bone density, all of which help prevent osteoporosis.

Helps burn calories

Increased muscle mass helps you burn calories and stay fit. Muscle cells burn more calories than fat cells, even while at rest. It’s especially important to do strengthening exercises, since aging causes muscle loss and slows your resting metabolic rate.

Prevents cognitive decline

Conditioning your body helps you feel better overall as you gain confidence, reduce depressive symptoms, and feel better mentally.

According to a 2019 study, strength training may boost your mental function and prevent cognitive decline.

The study found that middle-aged and older adults who participated in 12 weeks of intense resistance training showed improvement in their delayed verbal memory performance when compared to the control group, who didn’t exercise.

Builds muscle and strength

As you build muscle and trim fat, you’ll have more power, stamina, and agility while doing daily tasks, such as lifting heavy items, carrying large bags, and climbing stairs.

Your muscles work faster and more effectively, making all kinds of movement easier, from reaching down while in a seated position to jumping higher during a volleyball game.

Increases flexibility

Moving through body conditioning exercises trains your body to open up and move in different ways. Lengthening and extending your muscles is vital for improving flexibility, range of motion, and mobility.

You’ll also develop balance, stability, and coordination. All of these help prevent injury and falls that are common as you age.

As you start to feel better in your body, you may feel more inspired, motivated, or confident. This can lead to positive changes in other areas of your life.

You may be emboldened to try moving your body in different ways during a kickboxing, ballroom dancing, or rock climbing course.

You should have a reasonable level of fitness, energy, and mobility to move through these positions with ease. If you’re concerned you don’t, check in with your doctor.

If you’re new to fitness or have any injuries or medical concerns, use caution and begin slowly. Modify the exercises to suit your body as necessary. This way you can get used to the movements before moving on to more difficult moves.

Talk to your doctor if you have any medical conditions, take medications, or are concerned with a specific area of your body.

Always do a warmup and cooldown before and after your workout session so your body is properly adjusted. Use correct form, technique, and alignment while doing these exercises. Avoid any movement that causes you pain or discomfort.

Listen to your body. Take a rest day, or choose a restorative activity on days you’re sick, tired, or injured.

Talk to a fitness professional if you’d like to kick your workout routine into high gear. A qualified trainer can create a personal plan that’s suited to your fitness level, goals, and strengths. They’ll teach you the correct form and technique so you can maximize your workouts.

A fitness professional can provide valuable feedback and teach you how to adjust misalignments in your body so you’re staying safe. They can also teach you how to modify or intensify each exercise.

A personal trainer will likely be a helpful, positive influence on your exercise sessions, allowing you to stick to your fitness plan and get the results you want.

Do these body conditioning exercises to ensure that your whole body is fit, strong, and agile. Following a healthy exercise plan has a positive effect on how you feel while exercising and moving through your daily activities. It can even improve how you sit at your desk or while driving.

Along with your fitness plan, stay hydrated, follow a healthy diet, and get plenty of quality sleep each night.

Continue to challenge yourself to regularly learn new movements. Enjoy all of the advantages you stand to gain from a well-rounded fitness plan.