If you have difficulty burping and experience bloating, you can try eating, drinking, and moving around to help you burp.
Burping is one of the simplest and fastest ways to relieve bloating, especially when it’s concentrated in the stomach. Here are some tips to help you burp.
1. Build up gas pressure in your stomach by drinking
- Drink a carbonated beverage such as sparkling water or soda quickly. Drinking it through a straw quickly will increase the amount of pressure even more.
- If you don’t have a carbonated beverage, you can trigger the same effect by drinking water from the opposite side of the glass: bend over as if you are drinking from a water fountain and place your lips on the side of the glass opposite you, and then tilt the glass so the water slowly goes into your mouth. Take small sips, swallowing often, and then stand up straight.
- Another water-drinking method is to drink a whole glass of water while holding your breath and pinching your nose to make sure you don’t release any excess air.
2. Build up gas pressure in your stomach by eating
Eat a gas-causing food to build up gas pressure in your stomach even more. Foods that may cause you to burp immediately include:
- apples
- pears
- peaches
- carrots
- whole-grain bread
- chewing gum
- hard candies
3. Move air out of your body by moving your body
- Force gas out of your body by exercising: walking, jogging, or doing light aerobics.
- Lie on your stomach, then curl your knees in toward your chest, stretching your arms forward as far as they will go, and then arch your back. Repeat while keeping your head level with your throat.
- Lie down and quickly get up, repeating as necessary.
- Make your abdominal muscles tight when you feel a burp coming to maximize how much air escapes.
4. Change the way you breathe
- Breathe while sitting straight up to help increase the chances of a burp.
- Get air into your throat by sucking in air through your mouth until you feel an air bubble in your throat, and then block the front of your mouth with your tongue so you can release the air slowly. This should trigger a burp.
- Send air out of your lungs through your nose with your throat closed, which can put extra pressure on your stomach to push air up through your esophagus.
5. Take antacids
Antacids containing calcium carbonate create excess gas and will cause you to burp.
Burping is a great way to relieve the discomfort of gas and bloating in the short term, but it’s important to focus on long-term ways to reduce gas and bloating. Here are some tips:
Avoid the foods that give you gas
Foods that give most people gas are high in fiber or fat. Dairy foods also tend to cause a lot of gas. Some examples of foods associated with gas include:
- beans
- peas
- lentils
- cabbage
- onions
- broccoli
- cauliflower
- milk
- whole-wheat bread
- mushrooms
- beer and carbonated drinks
Fatty foods, such as hamburgers or cheese, can cause gas by slowing down digestion.
Eat slowly
Eating quickly can lead to a buildup of gas in the digestive system. Focus on relaxing during meals. Eating while you’re stressed or on the go can interfere with your digestion.
Get light exercise after eating
Doing some light exercise after eating, like going for a walk or easy bike ride, can aid in digestion, reducing gas.
Try an over-the-counter gas remedy:
- If you find dairy products are causing your gas, you might want to try products that help digest lactose, the sugar in dairy that many people find hard to digest.
- Products that contain simethicone can help break up gas bubbles in some people.
A small number of people experience a rare medical condition called
R-CPD is treated by direct injections of botulinum toxin in the affected area, which relaxes the muscle and allows patients to belch and relieve the pressure. These treatments are effective for an average of
Gas and bloating are conditions that typically resolve on their own over time. Burping can provide short-term relief, while focusing on long-term remedies can help keep gas at bay.
However, if you notice that your gas and bloating symptoms don’t resolve after adopting long-term gas relief habits, you should see a doctor. It’s especially important to see a doctor if your gas is accompanied by:
- diarrhea
- long-term or severe abdominal pain
- blood in your stool
- changes in the color or frequency of your stools
- unintended weight loss
- chest pain
- persistent or recurrent nausea or vomiting
These can be signs of a digestive disorder. Proper treatment can help relieve your discomfort and get you healthy.