Cherry angiomas usually do not require treatment. But some people may choose to remove these pink moles through cosmetic procedures or surgery.

Red moles, or cherry angiomas, are common skin growths that can develop on your skin. They’re also known as cherry hemangiomas, senile angiomas, or Campbell de Morgan spots.

They’re typically noncancerous (benign) and not a cause for concern unless they bleed or change appearance, which may be an early indicator of skin cancer.

Cherry angiomas are made of small blood vessels, which gives them a reddish or purplish appearance. They most commonly occur in older adults, but for some people, they may appear in their 20s or earlier. Around 5% of adolescents develop them.

Keep reading to see pictures of cherry angiomas and learn about removal options.

Cherry angiomas typically begin as small, flat, bright red spots. They may grow from 1 to 5 mm and become slightly raised.

They can be circular or oval in shape. They often grow on the torso, arms, legs, and shoulders.

Bleeding may occur if the angioma is scratched, rubbed, or cut open.

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Cherry angiomas may appear bright red in color. Bencemor/Shutterstock
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Some people may develop multiple cherry angiomas. TimoninaIryna/Getty Images
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Cherry angiomas may appear darker in color. Rupendra Singh Rawat/Getty Images

Cherry angiomas may have multiple causes. People may develop them due to:

  • aging
  • pregnancy
  • genetics

They have a strong correlation with the natural aging process. Over 75% of people over 75 years old have them.

In some cases, people may develop several cherry angiomas at once, typically due to another health condition, like herpesvirus-8 (HHV8), or certain medications, including immunosuppressants. This is called eruptive cherry angiomas.

While cherry angiomas typically do not require treatment, dermatologists can remove them for cosmetic reasons.

A doctor may also recommend removal if you have one in an area that’s easily bumped, which can lead to regular bleeding.

A few common procedures can remove angiomas.


Dermatologists can remove smaller angiomas with electrocauterization, which uses an electric current delivered by a tiny probe.

For this procedure, you’ll also have a grounding pad placed somewhere on your body to ground the rest of your body from a surge of electricity.

Shave excision

This procedure involves performing a shave biopsy to remove the angioma from the top portion of the skin. Then the dermatologist typically uses electrocauterization afterward to control bleeding.


Cryosurgery is a procedure that involves freezing off the angioma with liquid nitrogen.

The number of treatments can depend on the size of the angioma.

Laser treatment

Doctors can also use laser therapies to remove cherry angiomas. They use concentrated lasers that give off enough heat to destroy the lesion. These may include:

  • pulsed dye laser (PDL)
  • intense pulsed light laser
  • potassium-titanyl-phosphate (KTP) laser
  • neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser

A 2020 review found that people tended to prefer the PDL laser method over others.

Depending on how many angiomas you have, you may need between one and three treatment sessions. Cosmetic procedures may cause slight bruising.

If you do have angiomas removed with any of these methods, scarring is possible but uncommon. People with darker skin tones may experience pigmentation changes with certain methods.

Do cherry angiomas go away?

Cherry angiomas do not go away on their own, though a dermatologist can remove them with a variety of in-office outpatient procedures.

While cherry angiomas are typically benign, any changes in the way a red mole looks can potentially be a sign of skin cancer. A doctor, like a dermatologist, can evaluate skin growths and lesions to rule out more serious conditions.

A doctor may decide to do a biopsy, which involves removing and examining a small sample of the area or the entire lesion, to diagnose or rule out other conditions.

The Healthline FindCare tool can provide options in your area if you don’t already have a doctor.

Are cherry angiomas serious?

Cherry angiomas are common and typically nothing to worry about. But if they bleed or change appearance, consider consulting with a doctor. Any growth that changes in appearance, whether in shape, size, or color, or bleeds, can potentially be an indicator of skin cancer.

Do cherry hemangiomas go away?

A cherry angioma won’t go away on its own, but it’s also unlikely to cause problems. It may bleed from time to time if it gets irritated.

Should I worry about cherry angiomas?

If the cherry angioma changes in size, shape, or color, it should always be looked at by a primary care doctor or dermatologist.

What is the difference between a cherry angioma and a hemangioma?

Angiomas and hemangiomas are similar. Angiomas can contain either blood vessels or lymphatic vessels, whereas hemangiomas are made exclusively of blood vessels. Cherry angiomas are more common in adults, whereas hemangiomas tend to appear during infancy and early childhood.

While cherry angiomas are typically benign, you may choose to have them removed. A dermatologist may suggest a specific removal method depending on the size and other factors, like your skin color.