Fatty liver disease can increase your risk of liver cancer or other types of cancer, including colorectal cancer. Many people with fatty liver disease also have other risk factors for cancer, such as obesity.
Fatty liver disease is the buildup of fat in your liver. The main forms are:
- Non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease (NAFLD): fat buildup that isn’t related to high consumption of alcohol
- Alcohol-related fatty liver disease (AFLD): fat buildup that is related to high alcohol consumption
Fatty liver disease is associated with a higher risk of liver cancer and some other types of cancer, including colorectal cancer. The connection may partially be due to changes in your liver and partially due to shared risk factors.
Here, we take a deeper look at the connection between fatty liver disease and cancer.
NAFLD occurs in up to
NASH is associated with an
- cirrhosis
- liver failure
- hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most common type of liver cancer
AFLD is caused by chronically high consumption of alcohol. It’s also highly associated with the development of cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Why might fatty liver disease increase liver cancer risk?
The buildup of fat in your liver can affect your liver’s ability to protect itself from toxic substances that reach it from your intestines through your portal vein. These substances can cause inflammation in your liver, leading to
Scarring of your liver — which is known as cirrhosis — is the
How common is liver cancer in people with fatty liver disease?
In a large Swedish
In a
Fatty liver disease and other cancers
In a
In the
In the
- lip, oral, and pharynx cancer
- esophageal cancer
- liver cancer
- gallbladder and biliary tract cancer
- pancreatic cancer
- laryngeal cancer
- lung cancer
- kidney cancer
- thyroid cancer
- leukemia
Symptoms of liver cancer can include:
- jaundice
- loss of appetite
- unintentional weight loss
- fatigue
- flu-like symptoms
- a noticeable lump on your right side
It’s important to get medical attention if you develop any potential symptoms of liver cancer. The United Kingdom’s National Health Service recommends seeing a doctor if you have:
- a lump in your abdomen
- unexplained weight loss
- symptoms of liver cancer that don’t get better after 2 weeks or get worse
Medical emergencyIt’s important to get emergency medical attention if you develop jaundice or if you’ve been vomiting for more than 2 days.
Tests for liver cancer include:
- a physical exam and review of your medical history
- blood tests
- imaging tests, such as:
Treatment for liver cancer can
- surgery
- radiation therapy
- targeted drug therapy
- immunotherapy
- chemotherapy
- ablation
- embolization therapy
In some cases, the buildup of fat in your liver can mimic liver cancer. Usually, this buildup occurs throughout the liver, but
Can fatty liver look like cancer on a CT scan or ultrasound?
In a
Can cancer be mistaken for fatty liver?
Healthcare professionals can’t always tell the difference between liver cancer and fatty liver disease on imaging tests such as ultrasound. In these cases, a biopsy and blood tests may be necessary.
The most important treatment for AFLD is stopping alcohol consumption. If you completely avoid alcohol, at least some liver damage may be reversible.
NAFLD may be reversible with lifestyle changes such as:
- exercising more
- eating a balanced diet
- losing weight if you have overweight or obesity
A doctor may also recommend medications to lower your cholesterol and triglyceride levels to help manage NAFLD.
Fatty liver disease is often considered a silent disease since it usually doesn’t cause symptoms until it becomes advanced. You might be able to reverse some liver damage by stopping alcohol consumption if you have AFLD or improving your diet and exercising more if you have NAFLD.