NeoGraft hair transplants are a type of hair transplant procedure. The goal of a NeoGraft is to redistribute your hair so that it’s impossible to tell that you had a hair transplant. Results of NeoGraft hair transplants are permanent.

A NeoGraft hair transplant is much different than the hair transplants of decades ago. It’s safer, more effective, and heals more quickly. But that doesn’t mean that the procedure is recommended for everyone.

Keep reading to find out if this hair transplant procedure is right for you.

The NeoGraft or FUE method

A NeoGraft transplant uses the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method. The FUE method takes hair follicles from areas of your head where hair is thicker and moves them to places where hair has thinned.

The difference between the NeoGraft method and regular FUE is that with NeoGrafting, the surgeon uses a specialized tool to harvest the individual hair grafts, rather than manually selecting and extracting individual hair follicles.

Although the NeoGraft method isn’t as precise as manual FUE, it can harvest a higher number of grafts per session.

The FUT method

The Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) method removes a thin strip of scalp, usually from your neck, and transplants those hair follicles into an area of your head where hair has thinned.

Transplant methodProsCons
NeoGraft or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)– scarring is minimal or nonexistent
– healing is fast and discreet
– recovery is minimal
– higher rate of hair loss after transplant
– can be difficult with hair that is textured or curly
– can be extremely time-consuming
Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)– follicles have a higher success rate of surviving the transplant
– harvesting the hair is faster, which makes the procedure more efficient
– risk of visible scarring is higher
– recovery can take longer and be more obvious

To be a candidate for a NeoGraft transplant, you should be in good overall health and capable of tolerating topical anesthesia. Certain heart conditions, bleeding conditions, and inflammatory conditions may prevent a doctor from recommending a NeoGraft transplant.

If you’re prone to keloid or hypertrophic scarring, you may wish to avoid a hair transplant procedure altogether.

If your hair loss is the result of a health condition or medication, a hair transplant may not be able to give you permanent results.

A NeoGraft transplant can be performed for any gender, but it’s mostly used for males with typical male pattern baldness. To have this procedure, you must be capable of growing hair in the area where your hair has thinned.

Because the procedure is expensive, hair transplants are typically not recommended until you’ve tried other remedies and over-the-counter medication to restore and preserve your hairline without getting results.

When NeoGraft transplants are performed by a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon who specializes in hairline restoration, they’re typically successful.

If male pattern baldness or another hair loss condition runs in your family, your surgeon may recommend that you take an oral hair loss drug such as Finasteride following your hair transplant procedure.

This will ensure that the results of your procedure last for years to come.

The NeoGraft procedure is performed in a sterilized environment, such as a cosmetic surgeon’s office.

During the procedure

Before the procedure begins, your surgeon will apply a topical anesthetic so that you can’t feel the hair being harvested or transplanted.

You may feel pressure or a dull sensation as your doctor works, but you won’t feel pulling or pinching as your hair is moved around.

During the procedure, your doctor will use an automated machine to harvest hair from your head in areas where your hair is thickest. Your doctor will be in control of the machine at all times.

The process will take between 4 to 6 hours, depending on how much hair you’re having transplanted. When the transplant is complete, your head will be bandaged.

After the procedure

After the procedure, you may feel some numbness in your scalp or slight discomfort. Your provider will most likely prescribe you prescription-strength acetaminophen (Tylenol) to use for any pain.

Do not take ibuprofen (Advil) or aspirin for 48 hours after your transplant unless your doctor advises you to.


Within the first few hours after a NeoGraft hair transplant, your scalp will begin to form scabs. These very small scabs are a sign that your scalp is healing. It’s very important that you don’t pick at them, as this will increase the risk of infection. Scabs should fall off within 2 weeks.

You will be advised not to wash your scalp for at least 24 hours post-transplant. Follow your doctor’s instructions for carefully and safely cleansing your scalp in the days of your initial recovery. You’ll also be instructed not to wear hats for several days and will need to avoid strenuous activity (such as lifting weights or intense workouts) for 2 weeks after your transplant.

Depending on your level of comfort, you may return to work (if you work in an office setting) within a day or two of your procedure, although your scabs will still be visible during that time.

After a NeoGraft hair procedure, your hair may actually appear thinner for a few months.

Between 2 weeks and 2 months after the procedure, the hair from the transplanted follicles will fall out. This is normal and does not indicate that your procedure was not a success.

The American Academy of Dermatology states that hair after transplantation may be at its most thin at 3 months post-procedure. Your hair will then start to regrow naturally in the transplanted area.

After 6 months to a year of regrowth, you’ll be able to see the full result of your NeoGraft transplant.

There are some potential side effects that you should be aware of before you book a NeoGraft hair transplant. Your provider should also discuss these downsides with you before the day of your transplant.

Possible side effects include:

  • small, pin-point size white scars where hair has been extracted
  • cyst formation in area of hair extraction
  • temporary or long-term numbness in your scalp
  • infection

NeoGraft hair transplant procedures are a cosmetic procedure, which means that insurance companies consider it an elective surgery and it won’t be covered. You’ll be responsible for the full amount of the procedure out of pocket.

Because costs can vary so much, it’s hard to find an exact estimate for how much this procedure will cost you. Anecdotally, the costs fall between $5,000 to $15,000 depending on the cost of living in your area and the level of expertise that your surgeon has with hair transplantation. The average cost is somewhere between $9,000 and $10,000.

You’ll also need to consider that this procedure can cost you vacation days or time off from work. After a NeoGraft hair transplant, it takes a few days for the red marks from the transplant to scab over and become less noticeable. It may be between 6 to 10 days before you feel comfortable returning to your normal activities.

Anyone with a medical license is legally permitted to perform a hair transplant surgery. But not every medical professional has the high level of expertise and training needed to restore your hair’s thickness and give you a seamless, symmetrical hairline.

Be sure to schedule an initial consultation before your procedure. You can ask to see before-and-after photos from other clients, and learn more about your surgeon’s methods and results.

To find a board-certified hair transplant surgeon in your area, you can start by looking on the American Board of Hair Restoration search engine.

NeoGraft hair transplants are a far cry from the hair transplant surgery techniques of the past. These surgeries have a high success rate, use your own hair to transfer follicles, and the results are permanent.

The procedure can also cost a lot of money and does require some downtime for recovery.

Finding a board-certified hair restoration surgeon who has experience with hair like yours is the most important factor if you are considering this surgery.