
Gia Miller

Gia Miller is an award-winning, New York-based journalist who covers health, mental health and parenting. Growing up with ADHD and now raising two children with ADHD, Gia is passionate about breaking down the stigmas that surround mental health conditions. Through her writing, Gia hopes to provide readers with informative, evidence-based content that creates understanding, starts conversations and leads to a world where we can accept, and even celebrate, neurodiversity. Gia is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA), and her work has been featured in numerous national publications, including Healthline, Well+Good, SELF, Parents, The Washington Post and more. You can find her on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Healthline Editorial Guidelines

Finding health and wellness information is easy. It’s everywhere. But finding trustworthy, relevant, usable information can be hard and even overwhelming. Healthline is changing all that. We’re making health information understandable and accessible so you can make the best decisions for yourself and the people you love. Read more about our process

Articles by Gia Miller