What is trismus-pseudocamptodactyly syndrome?

Trismus-pseudocamptodactyly syndrome (TPS) is a rare muscle disorder that affects the mouth, hands, and feet. The syndrome is also known as Dutch-Kennedy syndrome and Hecht syndrome. Learn more about this syndrome.

The symptoms of TPS vary from one person to another. It causes shortened muscles and tendons. The most common symptom is limited mobility of the mouth, which can cause problems with chewing. Other symptoms can include:

  • limited motion of the arms or legs
  • clenched fists
  • a club foot
  • abnormalities of the feet and hands

TPS is an inherited disease. A mutation of the MYH8 gene causes TPS. It’s autosomal dominant. This means that a person can inherit the abnormal gene from only one parent. The only known risk factor for this condition is a family history of TPS.

A doctor can usually diagnose TPS at birth. It requires a full physical examination. A doctor will also look at the family’s medical history because TPS is an inherited syndrome. The signs of TPS begin to show during infancy.

No cure for TPS is available. However, you can have surgery to alleviate some of the symptoms of TPS. Doctors also often suggest physical and occupational therapy for people with TPS who have trouble walking or who have dexterity issues.