Editorial Policies

Any views expressed on DiabetesMine.com are the opinion of the author or guest author(s) only, and are fully independent of advertising interests.

Product reviews are likewise individual opinions of the author(s) based on their personal experience.  Whenever specific medications are mentioned, a hotlink is provided to the drug manufacturer’s site listing indications, side effects, warnings, etc.

This site is generally updated every weekday of the year.  Date of publication appears at the footer of each individual post.

Guest posts are generally by invitation only. If you’d like an invitation, send a brief description of yourself and your post idea to info_at_diabetesmine dot com.

Privacy/ Reader Comments Policies

Any information collected by this website, such as email addresses, is treated with the utmost confidentiality and never passed on to any third party.

While we once featured comments on DiabetesMine, that function has been disabled and ported to our social media channels on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Comments on those platforms will be removed only in the instance that the we determine them to contain offensive or abusive material, or commercial content considered to be solicitous “spam.”

Advertising Policies

DiabetesMine.com is now part of San Francisco-based Healthline Media as of Jan. 1, 2015. Read about their mission, values, and customers here. While HL is our parent company, DiabetesMine retains editorial control and decision-making as to what we cover and how that is covered.

Read about advertising opportunities here.  

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Please enjoy reading DiabetesMine!